BERK it’s clean and professional portfolio template, is perfect for both graphic designers \u0026amp; creative agencies. Built on the Advanced Bootstrap 4 framework with HTML5 / CSS3. Its responsive too – will fit great on all devices. More features with 9 Homepages, coming soon page and much more gives you more space to work with and also with a few lines of code. Full list of Features Ultra Responsive BERK is 100% responsive, each and every element including the awesome slider are fully responsive. Responsive Valid HTML5 and CSS3, Cross browser compatible. Retina ready We have included retina display optimizations for all the main graphics used in the theme, so they look sharp on retina displays.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/21/2022
I have purchased the Berk – Minimal & Cool Portfolio Template. When trying to install the theme on my wordpress site, I receive an error saying that I am missing the “style.css”.
I see the following within the Styles Folder.
Am I indeed needing the style.css or, am I just doing something wrong. As a note, I was told that most themes come in a zipped file. Yours came in as folders. Not sure if that matters.
I can provide my wp-admin login if needed to trouble shoot.
Thanks! Doug

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hello, I finally put my site online and it only shows a loading page. My host told me to contact you to see if there is any error with the template. How can we talk about this?

Review Left On 08/05/2022
I have purchased the Berk – Minimal & Cool Portfolio Template. Somehow the contact form does not work. Just changed the email adress in the mail.php…unfortunately nothing happens!?
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