Pizzahat HTML5 Responsive Restuarant Template eCommerce Supported Features Pizzahat HTML5 Responsive Restuarant Template Fully eCommerce Supported Template. Its already included Two Shop Pages and One Single Product Page. Mordern and Flat Design Pizzahat HTML5 Responsive Template Very Modern and world Standard HTML5 Template. Using Less CSS Pizzahat HTML5 Responsive Template HTML Fitness Template used Less CSS that very effective for change color,font styling. Bootstrap Developer friendly code based on Bootstrap and SASS, so editing and adding your own content is quite easy. UX ready We have created Pizzahat HTML5 Responsive Template HTML with strong focus on User Experience in every detail. Every element is designed to... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I have tried to add a gallery with magnific-popup does not open the image on the same page and it does not work can help me, thanks
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