“Responsive Director, Writer WordPress Theme”. Creative Black \u0026amp; White Publisher WordPress theme for personal business, filmmaker, producer, video makers, film director, video production studio, movie production, film studio, film agency, personal professional, personal minimal, personal RTL, personal Vcard, personal one page, personal WordPress, and authors WordPress websites. Minimal Dark Portfolio Shop theme for book author landing page, book writer, publisher magazine, a better studio, publisher – newspaper magazine, publishing company, better-studio, creative personal portfolio designer, portfolio web designer, black portfolio photography, portfolio agency, react portfolio template, design agency, personal blog, freelancer, and... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I am unable to import demo content, its keep on failing and I am getting the below error.
Tables drop failed. Cannot drop table ‘wp_woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions’ referenced by a foreign key constraint ‘fk_wp_wc_download_log_permission_id’ on table ‘wp_wc_download_log’.
Please help me to simport the demo content.

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi, considering using this for a project. Is Gravity Forms supported with this theme? Thanks.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi there, I have the Foreal theme and I’m working on the portfolio. The documentation says:
Set featured image and save the post. Please notice – this featured image will be used as a primary portfolio image so make sure it has good quality.
When I open any portfolio items and/or create a new portfolio item, “Set Featured Image” does not appear on the right bar. Im’ familiar with where it should be, but it’s not there. Any ideas?
Photoedge - Professional Creative Photography Theme
Verti - Creative OnePage & MultiPage Template
EventBuilder - WordPress Events Directory Theme
Protege - Single Professional Theme
BeGreen - Multipurpose Planter PSD Template

Review Left On 04/13/2022
When I enable the POLYLANG plugin, the wordpress site throws me a critical error, and in wp_debug mode I see this error on the web: “Notice: Undefined index: title in / home / * / www / wp-content / themes / foreal / framework /register-head.php on line 423 “
Is there any solution to be able to use that plugin without errors?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hola. Me parece un buen theme, pero a la hora de subirlo e instalarlo me da error porque dice que en el zip del tema no hay hoja de estilos css. ¿Cómo puedo solucionarlo? Acabo de comprar el tema.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Hello, I have imported the theme demos with Unyson. However the ‘black theme’ does not work it just loads the regular white theme and does not load the slider. Can you please help me get the black theme instealled with slider.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
HI i am getting this error : Failed to decode line 162999 from db file. Syntax error, malformed JSON

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Dear Team,
How to control number posts in archive pages? I am unable to find anything related to it in theme options. Please help me to solve it.

Review Left On 04/29/2022
I have just purchased the Foreal Theme. When trying to upload it into my wordpress account I receive this message:
“The link you followed has expired.
Please try again.”
Can you please tell me why this happens? What should I do next? Can you please send me another download link or something?
Thank you,

Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi.. I bought this theme and download All files & documentation. when i unzip this folder, there is no documentation folder, theme zip file and child theme. please help me to instal the theme.

Review Left On 05/12/2022
Hey BuddhaThemes! I’m trying to get a theme + demo content installed for a new website, but I’m encountering some issues and demo content doesn’t finish importing via Unyson. I’m attaching a Loom video recording with the error I’m encountering. Can help me resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance for your help/reply.

Review Left On 05/17/2022
I also want to have my starting point be the http://foreal.vedicthemes.com/dark/home-rev-slider/ as well. Please send me the demo-content. I do not see it in the demo-content folder.

Review Left On 05/25/2022
Hello, I am having issues with a few aspects of the Foreal theme. Hopefully you can provide guidance on how to fix the following:
1. How to change the Header image on the pages of my SHOP page and where to delete the word “Term Archives” from each sub page? https://artrophy.com/artwork-category/originals/
2. How do I remove the words “Product details” and “Category:Originals” under the initial product description to the right of each image in my Shop Page, both words are out of place and serve no purpose, you cannot click on either or add further details? It is misleading for consumers. Or is this a Woocommerce thing?https://artrophy.com/artwork/chase-over-bighorn-5/
3. Is there a way to speed up the Pre-loader page, or is the only option to turn it off, it is slowing down my site.
Thanks so much! Bhuddi.

Review Left On 08/21/2022
Why does the header image on product single pages or categories doesnt show up, for example http://dusktodawnfitness.com/product/black-momma-short-sleeve-unisex-t-shirt/ but it shows up for regular page breadcrumb headers? how can I make it so the image shows up on every header of every page of the site ?

Review Left On 09/22/2022
Thank you for Contacting us.
1) Please navigate to Dashboard > Appearance > Foreal Options > General > Disable Light and Dark version option > Enable / Disable Dark Version
Please refer the attached screenshot : https://prnt.sc/v7l6wv
2) Do you need to change this image, refer the screenshot : http://prntscr.com/jm16lv
If yes, then go to Dashboard > Pages, Edit the Home Page then move to Slider Options under the page editor then enable the Show slider option to Yes and Choose Slider as “Image Only” and uplaod the slider image from your media library, http://prntscr.com/jm1934
If still facing any of issues Please mail us your site credentials (WP & FTP access logins) immediately via the right bottom form located @ http://themeforest.net/user/buddhathemes So that, We import demo data for you.

Review Left On 09/22/2022
Hi. I feel a bit dumb. I purchased the wrong template: I needed the simple Foreal. This one is much to0 much for my tiny beginner brain. Beauriful, but overwhelming
Is there an exchange possible?
I really hope so.