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Introduction Edumart is a perfect template for Colleges. Which Includes around 22+ HTML5 Webpages made with Bootstrap v3.3.7 Framework. Template Features Clean \u0026amp; Modern Design W3C HTML Validated HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Fully Responsive Bootstrap 3 Powered All files are well commented Cross browser Compatible Functional Contact Form Extensive Documentation Sources and Credtis jquery.min.js bootstrap.min.js html5shiv.min.js respond.min.js bxslider.min.js owl.carousel.min.js magnific-popup.min.js counterup.min.js countdown.js masonry.min.js matchHeight-min.js select2.min.js modernizr.custom.js waypoints.min.js datepicker.js isotope.min.js jquery.validate.min.js Fonts Font Awesome Google Fonts Iconmoon Images Fotolia v1.0.2 – 02 Februa... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022

Code and design quality are fantastic!!!! Very easy to configure.But customer support is amazing, really amazing!Thanks a lot team!!!!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I just bought the edumart-education-template.
The problem is that I need the code localization, the language logic code.
It seems that it`s missing. If I want to change the languages .
Please let me know if you can help me with this.

Review Left On 04/25/2022
I like this theme i need HTML url of this theme Please help us
[email protected]
BeeVibrant - Event and Conference HTML Template
Monali - Business, Agency, Corporate WordPress Theme
Mister Coffee - Caffeine Market Online Store HTML5 Template
Soho Pro - Photography Portfolio
Chata - Modern Real Estate / Architecture Template + E-Commerce

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi mubaraksmd ,
We are extremely sorry for the late reply. This is just a simple HTML template(not a WordPress theme), so we have only added a script for the contact form.
Do you need a WordPress version of the same template? You can available here: https://themeforest.net/item/edumart-education-wordpress-theme/20683832?s_rank=1
Please note that the theme providers of HTML and WP is different.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I am looking for a college website templets
i just want to know do you provide admin pannel or providing only source code?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
My purchase code is 38ed1320-c6a2-45bd-bdf3-1519bea4a946
How can i to connect the homepage and faqs search engine?

Review Left On 05/06/2022

Your HTML source file contains serious virus....not able to send the file through email (Reason: Google prompting message that file contains serious virus).
Please remove the virus from your HTML files.Thanks,

Review Left On 07/06/2022
How can i to connect the homepage and faqs search engine? It doesn’t work.

Review Left On 07/25/2022
Hi My contact form is working but I’m unable to understand coding for REGISTER form and APPLY Now form please help me to [email protected]

Review Left On 08/07/2022
i have purchesed theme but i am faceing some technical problem
1) how can i use custom image in particular page.
2) i want to create a table of 9*146 but last two coulmn wasnot show
3)how to increse social links size.
Path Idea Multiskill

Review Left On 08/27/2022
Your theme edumart home slider images are loading from css file (.banner-outer .slide3), can i call this image using image src, so that I can make this slider as dynamic using php..