Vava – Minimalistic Multipurpose Portfolio Template
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Vava is a perfect combination of modern design and incredible easiness of use. Beautiful animations accompany gorgeous and extra-readable typography. Showcase your projects with simple CSS blocks, perfectly aligned to each other. Take advantage of all the components Vava has to offer. A list of features includes: Powered by Materialize framework based on Material Design guidelines Super-fast AJAX navigation with beautiful background transitions Beautiful minimalistic style and amazing animations Two pre-made skins: light and dark Two menu types: classic navbar and fullscreen overlay menu Six ways to showcase your project: Classic showcase with parallax Gallery Right and left fixed images Fullscreen... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi! This template is perfect. I’m wondering if it works with node.js as I do not know PHP (yet)

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hi Pimmey, great template ! I’m trying to create anchor links for a one-pager, but it seems not to work :/ Any suggestion ?

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Would it be possible to get a non-AJAX/SPA version of this? Ie. all pages as individuals html docs? Thanks!
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Review Left On 04/19/2022
In the download i can’t find the zip file to directly install to wordpress, where can i get it?

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi, this doesn’t load locally me for in Safari (or chrome). Console warnings on Safari: Failed to load resource: Preflight response is not successful. XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///home.html. Preflight response is not successful
EDIT: it’s Cross Origin Requests with the AJAX stuff. Works through a web server (any)

Review Left On 06/08/2022
this page not working on FF 65.0
Chrome ok

Review Left On 08/10/2022
The AJAX loading of the content seems to prevent most search engines including Google from being able to crawl the content of the site. How can I get Google and other SEs to crawl the content? While the theme is wonderful it is pretty essential that my site is crawled by Search Engines.

Review Left On 08/10/2022
why this is not updated anymore? it’s so clean, there aren’t many themes like this. anyway i can’t buy such an old theme, and for sure I can’t even consider this because it render html locally! so what’s about SEO??? please update it.