Statistic - Consulting Business and Finance HTML5 Template
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We know that every business is different, that’s why we have done deep research to build each blocks in Statistic, and deliver this specifically to yours Statistic is the Perfect Finance, Consulting \u0026amp; Business HTML5 Template. Statistic is best suited for corporate website like Financial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms, insurance, loan, tax help, Investment firm etc. This is a business template that is help full for online presence for Corporate Business and Financial Firms. Statistic is Fully Responsive! Strong focus on the smartphone and tablet experience This template comes with necessary features for your online presence like portfolio, blog, testimonial and personal profile page etc. Statistic can be a great choice for yo... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I have a problem with the installation of this item in WordPress
This is the message that WordPress tells me:
“Instalando tema desde el archivo:
Instalando el tema…
No se ha podido descomprimir el paquete. El tema no tiene la hoja de estilos style.css.
Fallo en la instalación del tema.”
The translation of the message is
There is a proble unzipping the item. The theme doesn’t have the sheet of style styl.css
Failure installing the theme.
Please, help me to solve this problem
Thank you
Javie Lopez-Fombona

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Hello, we have a problem with the template. We want that when the web is displayed on a responsive ipad it will close the menu like an iphone. How can we do it?

Review Left On 04/19/2022
Nice work..
when i wanna watch the video then it will goes to youtube… is there any option to load the video on page.??
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