Supermarket Responsive Magento 2 Theme | RTL supported
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Check Supermarket speed Click to image view update version and logs. Overview Supermarket is a Premium Responsive Magento theme with extremely customizable admin settings. Suitable for every type of store. Great as a starting point for your custom projects. Perfect responsive multistore magento theme. Unlimated Colors Power Admin. This theme includes 15+ extensions. On Home page you can quickly show Bestsellers, New, Featured, Random, Latest and Special products, customizable multi tabs, multi rows, grid, slider easy config in Admin Panel, GDPR, SpeedOptimizer, Quick Edit, Sticky Cart, Recently order, Quick View, Ajax Cart, Ajax Contact, Layered Ajax, Lookbook, Magicmenu, Magicslider, Shopbrand, Testimonial, Magic... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Dears, How we can update the theme? Also share if there is any document. I assume updating the theme will not break the site. Thanks

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hello there, problem is with tabs on home / Magento 2 / Phone doesnt change pictures and link doesnt work in Chrome
Is there any new shortcode available? It looks like:

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi, You follow steps below:
step 1. Backup database, source in your site.
step 2. Update files changed in log file: alo_expert_package/ChangeLog.html
step 3. run 2 commands below and check again.
php -dmemory_limit=2G bin/magento cache:flush
php -dmemory_limit=2G bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
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Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hello friends!
After importing the theme, I receive this notification. What should I do? Since nothing works on the home page.
Can not import file ”/home1/asdmaruv/public_html/app/code/Magiccart/Alothemes/etc/import/Alothemes/default/lookbook.xml”. “Can’t read data file: /home1/asdmaruv/public_html/app/code/Magiccart/Alothemes/etc/import/Alothemes/default/lookbook.xml”

Review Left On 04/30/2022
An Magento license would give us access to Magento 2 version of the theme?
Thank you!

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Hello friend, after updating, I noticed on the customer Registration Form, top left a stand alone [check box]. I visited your Demo site Registration Form and this error is also present. I believe this to be a programing ERROR. Any solution to correct this [check box]? Thanks

Review Left On 05/22/2022
Hello friends!
After importing the theme, I receive this notification. What should I do? Since nothing works on the home page.
Can not import file ”/home1/asdmaruv/public_html/app/code/Magiccart/Alothemes/etc/import/Alothemes/default/lookbook.xml”.
“Can’t read data file: /home1/asdmaruv/public_html/app/code/Magiccart/Alothemes/etc/import/Alothemes/default/lookbook.xml”

Review Left On 06/01/2022
Hello Team,
I’m looking for a price comparison plugin that I can add to my theme. I want it to work as an online flight comparator but for magento.

Review Left On 08/08/2022
Hello friend. I noticed an error. It is a checkbox Text=”Remember Me” ID=”remember-me-box”. This error is on Registration and Login form. The (checkbox) is not in form position. It is on top of header far left. What is causing the checkbox to leave it´s position in form and goes far top left?
Other checkbox is in position. I have tried everything possible from my side because, I did not want to disturb, but I couldn´t find an answer to that error.
I look forward to hearing from you.