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Calafate - Portfolio & WooCommerce Creative WordPress Theme

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  Calafate is a new way for designers, developers and users to experience WordPress. A Portfolio website reimagined to highlight your most important content. In the same way that brave explorers carve pathways to new ways of living, thinking outside of the square and pushing the boundaries of human experience, your work also deserves new \u0026amp; original ways to communicate with your audience. Introducing Calafate. WordPress, but different. Dedicated to a lifetime of updates and evolution, ‘Covers’ is a new feature added in v1.3.0. Created to introduce your latest project, featured works or highlight unique products in your online shop, it is a very easy to use tool that will generates a beautifully animated full-page visual, to dazzle... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/19/2022
Hola Van, Tengo un problema con el subrayado de las caption en el móvil desde hace tiempo y no sé a que es debido. Ahora mismo tengo configurado ‘Always shown captions’ y cuando entro a mi portfolio desde el móvil en la grid principal no se subrayan las caption al pasar el dedo por ninguna de las imágenes, pero me he dado cuenta hoy de que si entro en el proyecto de ‘Vector Graphics’ y le doy a las flechas de la galería y luego pincho en mi logo para volver a la grid principal entonces ya empiezan a subrayarse todas las caption al pasar el dedo sin pinchar en las imágenes, algo que no pasaba desde un principio. He probado con la configuración de ‘First tap displays animation’ pero entonces para entrar en el proyecto tengo que pinchar la imagen varias veces, a la primera vez por algún motivo no va. He visto otro portfolio que utiliza este mismo theme y lo he visto desde el móvil y tiene visibles las caption y nada mas entrar al portfolio al pasar el dedo se subrayan y con solo pinchar un vez en cualquier imagen de la grid abre el proyecto sin tenerle que pinchar varias veces. Me gustaría que mi portfolio funcionase igual pero no lo consigo, he probado en quitarle todo el CSS adicional pero sigue sin funcionar. No sé lo que estoy haciendo mal. Desde el ordenador todo funciona perfecto, el problema es con el móvil. No sé si me he explicado bien. Espero que haya alguna solución, muchas gracias. Este es el link de mi portfolio : https://sarahrar.com/ Un saludo, Sara
Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hey there! First of all, I’d like to highlight that you should never auto-update your theme on your site even if this would be possible. The same goes for important plugins and WordPress major releases. If you don’t have control over your site updates when something collides gets a lot harder to debug and troubleshoot, or things could even break in the worst cases. So we recommend you update your site in the proper order: Plugins > Theme > WordPress. With this in mind, you must know that when you first install the theme, you are prompted to install the Envato Market plugin, which will warn you every time a new theme version is available. When this happens, you can install the theme from there and get the latest theme version. If you are not updating the theme, then you are running an outdated version and because of this, you are seeing these WooCommerce notices. So we really encourage you to update the theme in order to avoid issues. I hope it will help you out! Best – Van
Review Left On 04/22/2022
Dear Van, i am using the Hero Header with a gallery as a front page. However the usual issue, that landscape images crop badly on mobile and portrait images crop very badly on desktops or widescreens, Is there a possibility to deactivate wide images on mobile and only show on desktops and deactivate portrait images on wide screens and only show on mobile screens. Thanks a lot for your help, much appreciated. Aria
Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hola! Tengo las actualizaciones todo ok para el funcionamiento de mi web con Calafate. Sin embargo me sale este mensaje de WooCommerce: Your theme (Calafate) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Tenía entendido que Calafate se actualizaba automáticamente. Es así? O tengo que hacer algo al respecto? Muchas gracias!
Review Left On 05/03/2022
Ramon Gramze
Hi, what is your current view on integration with / optimising for Gutenberg? Gutenberg is mature now and rapidly becoming golden standard. I (still) love your theme, but my users are starting to ask for more detailed editing possibilities as they are used to on some other sites (Kadence Blocks & Generate press experience). Thank you
Review Left On 05/04/2022
Kamaria Komarek
Hi there! I was wondering if there is an option to add a image carousel to the portfolio item page? I have a bunch of images that don’t want the user to scroll the page down for, but instead click left or right to forward in a carousel type of format. Please advise! Thanks
Review Left On 05/09/2022
Hola Van, Escribo esta vez porque tengo un problema. La última imagen de la grid se me queda alineada al centro en vez de quedarse alineada a la derecha. Este es mi portfolio para que lo veas -> https://digitalsara.com/ No sé que tengo que hacer para que no pase esto. Gracias de antemano. Un saludo, Sara
Review Left On 07/08/2022
hey I understand this is a theme made for portfolio instead of blog , but is there anyway I could have a filterable or sort out list in the minimal blog post page ?
Review Left On 07/29/2022
Can I ask if it’s possible to create a blank page. I don’t want to display logo or any menu item. just black blank page where I want to add a sortcode and run a plugin (a flipbook PDF viewer) I tried creating a blank.php template. but if I don’t add get header the page does not display. get_header(); ?> any ideas? I don’t know CSS / php at all. Thanks
Review Left On 09/06/2022
Juliano Derossett
Hey guys, I use your theme and like it a lot. Do you know a simple cookie consent plugin that works fine with it (I had some issues with the last one I tried)? Thank you! All the best, Wego
Review Left On 09/25/2022
I’ve just made a fresh install of wordpress and calafate and imported demo, but it looks nothing like your demo. Alot of the imported files failed. Can you advise or help. My php settings are large.
Review Left On 09/27/2022
Hi there, i have a question ( I can’t find a solution on the documentation) I am trying to duplicate the gallery on the akin project of the Calafate theme. but for some reason it doesn’t display the same. you can see my trials here : http://heidijalkh.com/portfolio/galerias/ I was also hoping to see how to work with the lightbox but all the videos of the documentation are not available, even if I am logged in. I was hopping to make all these changes before my support expired but … the pandemic :/ hahaha I was unable to get around to this before. Hope you can provide some guidance here – I love the theme and can’t wait to have al the content live Best H

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