EcoHosting | Responsive Hosting and WHMCS WordPress Theme
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EcoHosting is a Responsive Hosting and WHMCS WordPress Theme developed for All kinds of Technology Business, Domain \u0026amp; Hosting Business. WHMCS Integration and Fully Compatible with WHMCS Bridge. Also included WHMCS template for WHMCS v8.1.x to use sefarately. EcoHosting is a theme for technology and software businesses as well as for web hosting companies. The theme has all the required functionality for a hosting services company, including domain search and registration functionality with WHMCS. Fancy pricing tables let you display hosting prices for different server configurations and hosting packages. If you need to create a website for a hosting company, a technology blog or a software review blog, Hosting Business Technology WP T... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
updating my home page caues all the ecohosting content to go blank!? I cant update my pages anymore. V 3.8 seems the latest version but happened on 3.5 as well. how to solve this bug? tried php v 7.2 and 7.4

Review Left On 04/10/2022
I bought the theme but on whmcs the theme does not show the login screen and the tmbm client panel does not show this blank

Review Left On 04/11/2022
EcoHosting Author Bio not showing in Wordpress:
I have been trying to add Author Bio to my blog posts, however, the only thing that shows is the default post author, without any bio. I have tried editing the User Profiles to include the bio but, still, the bio doesn’t show up on the frontend. How can I tackle this one?
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Review Left On 05/02/2022
This theme has some frustrating issues. In the Section Layout(Seaction Layout); You can only add sections but not remove them. The remove button don’t work at all.
I have tried everything. When I create new pages from scratch, I can only create the header. Everything else does not get displayed in the browser, even after clearing the cache. Nothing works.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi there,
your website is down? I am trying to access the documentation on how to edit the template for WHMCS client area.

Review Left On 05/10/2022
How much to complete my website with this theme? I already installed it and have WHMCS setup, just need to add prices and services in WHMCS and in the theme

Review Left On 05/18/2022
How to remove the domain item from seaction? When I try to remove a seaction section, it will not let me.

Review Left On 06/05/2022
I want to get the Wordpress version, but I have a few questions before I buy it.
Do I get a lot of HTTP 500 errors?
Is the language editable?
Can admin panel theme menus be hidden?
Example: – Domain Pricing
- VPS Slide

Review Left On 06/16/2022
I need some minor changes in UI design:
1- user must choose domain (then next to second page)
2- user must choose plan (then next to third page)
3- user must add his account info (then next to forth page)
4- user pay via ‘PayPal’ or any.
5- user must see a ‘Thank You Page’ that includes the URL of the user dashboard
and tell him that once the domain has been completed, the store will be ready for customers.

Review Left On 07/09/2022
Can I use this theme without WHMCS so that domain search and everything including custom hosting packages can be sold thru woocommerce?

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Hi There,
Please watch these video tutorials
If you need more assistance then please register and use our support forum ( ) to get support from our experts. Please make sure, you are registering as “Envato User”, not “ThemeLooks User” (Check out the screenshot as reference ). After then, post your topic with details about your issue, here
Best Regards,
ThemeLooks Team

Review Left On 08/03/2022
I am having the problems with editing the home page.
I have watched your tutorials and it shows only how you can build the home page as demo but on the demo home page I cannot find the way to edit the “Choose Your Vps Plan” section or “Populer Pricing” section.
I have registered on the forum and asked the question there but no answer. I have also sent the ticked and no answer…

Review Left On 08/05/2022
hi just bought your beautiful theme. I try to integrate whmcs bridge but fail. I have installed whmcs into subdomain. Please advise how to setup like your demo using the subdomain. Thanks.

Review Left On 08/13/2022
is there going to be an update to the theme? nothing has changed but if i try to update any page, it now goes blank so i cant update anything on my site (it removes all the sections) also your image says v3.9 but the download is only 3.8?