Marco is a modern, unique \u0026amp; highly functional html template suitable for any restaurants, cafes, wineries, sushi bars, bistros, bars, pubs and-and any other food-related businesses. Marco is proud of its beautiful design. The template offers all essential restaurant features such as menu, gallery, blog, contact, team and of course an online reservation. Marco is all you need to get you started on your restaurant website in a matter of minutes! Please note, our template does not come with pictures. Important! The background video playback does not work on mobile devices (iPad included), we show image instead of video. 9.12.2016 Change log v1.0.1 - 09.01.2017 * Safari Browser Fix * Mobile... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
great work, i really like it, it is really unique and wonderful, there is some complexity and flexability in the 3 menus, but i got the idea behind that. more flexibile.
but i have only one problem in the map, i copied the code from the documentation, and put my own API,it shows a blank map with marker, when i pasted the marker it stop working. what should i do to fix it?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Interested in purchasing this, but would like to know if the filters in the menu will work. It’s currently not filtering anything.

Review Left On 05/13/2022
Hi thr, great work. I see on iPad the video is not playing and just showing the thumbnail for the video and you tube red play button. Can help. This happens with your website itself also when I open in in iPad. Please suggest fixing. thanks
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Review Left On 05/21/2022
Amazing work,
I really want to purchase this, however there seems to be an issue on some browsers, specially mobile.
However I also noticed that the demo site does not open on mobile safari + chrome.
Seems to output a blank white page for some odd reason.

Review Left On 07/03/2022
hi, i bought your marco 1.0.1 theme – but i cant install the package in wordpress because of an error that the Stylesheet style.css is failed. please help. regards mario

Review Left On 07/16/2022
Hi Puruno! Lovely stuff you create here! I was wondering if it’s possible to play around with elements and mix them in a onepage site? For instance, the main header (index) and the below the menu and so on, in just one page? Thanks for the info in advance!