Sanbro theme is modern and professional business Drupal theme with fuly responsive design. A great candidate for any type of website, for personal or business use, Sanbro is easy to use and highly customizable. Designed with user friendliness in mind, Emon sports a distinctly unique, modern look. The theme has its own super powerful theme control panel with lots of useful options and tools to manage your site: Block builder, customize, slider, etc. Sanbro Theme is built with Gavias Block Builder, the amazing drag and dop builder allows you build professional block in just some simple clicks. In addition, with over 2x widgets integrated, building content is never easier. Sanbro theme apply the latest web technologies: Drupal 8.9, Bootstr... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi. I have a question regarding “Gavias Owl Carousel” view format. It has an option to “Auto play”, however this option doesn’t work. You can check in your default demo. Banners carousel view at the bottom of the home page is set to Auto play, but it doesn’t. Is there an easy fix for Auto play to work?

Review Left On 04/13/2022
I am looking to purchase, but would like to see 8.4.0 upgraded first. Please let me know when you upgrade.

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi… I’m using Sanbro Responsive Business Drupal 8 Theme for Drupal and when I try to login at there is no login form so I cannot login. Please advice. Thank you.
My email: [email protected]
Saha - Photography / Creative Portfolio Drupal 8.9 Theme
Responsive WordPress Blog Theme - Winston
Persone - OnePage Responsive Personal Template
Orchid | Minimal Grid Tumblr Theme
Plumberx - Plumber and Construction Joomla Template

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi. Is Gavias SanBro fully compatible with Drupal 9? If not, do you have a plan to publish D9 release for download soon?

Review Left On 06/06/2022
Sorry my support is expired. but can you give me a link about what you guys fix in last update. at least i can cherry pick the code. else, when i create a menu and i add additional classes to be added to the menu item, after save, the class is not showing.

Review Left On 08/12/2022
regarding last D8.4 update of sanbro theme… theme settings form at admin/appearance/settings/gavias_sanbro does not work as expected still. It works nicely if Javascript aggregation is turned of at perfomance settings (admin/config/development/performance). But if JS aggregation is turned on there are numerous JS errors and theme settings form is not displayed well. The list of JS errors are following:
js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:4 Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function
at r.fn.init.r.fn.load (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:4)
at js_7CumYK4QBE3SSfBrC9hd5YCzJARBFx2GXcaOJlC9860.js:12531
at js_7CumYK4QBE3SSfBrC9hd5YCzJARBFx2GXcaOJlC9860.js:12575
r.fn.load @ js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:4
(anonymous) @ js_7CumYK4QBE3SSfBrC9hd5YCzJARBFx2GXcaOJlC9860.js:12531
(anonymous) @ js_7CumYK4QBE3SSfBrC9hd5YCzJARBFx2GXcaOJlC9860.js:12575
js_Yrz-zIMbR8s22e_mdXCUfUz8eJ1a4lJ7lSgzgeoCh4E.js:756 Uncaught TypeError: this.details.drupalGetSummary is not a function
at Drupal.verticalTab.updateSummary (js_Yrz-zIMbR8s22e_mdXCUfUz8eJ1a4lJ7lSgzgeoCh4E.js:756)
at HTMLDetailsElement. (js_Yrz-zIMbR8s22e_mdXCUfUz8eJ1a4lJ7lSgzgeoCh4E.js:739)
at HTMLDetailsElement.dispatch (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:3)
at HTMLDetailsElement.q.handle (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:3)
at Object.trigger (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:4)
at HTMLDetailsElement. (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:4)
at Function.each (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:2)
at r.fn.init.each (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:2)
at r.fn.init.trigger (js_WCfPOuECUAtSFryPKz-bDO2usJ-PjB7aUTu46kFK8AM.js:4)
at new Drupal.verticalTab (js_Yrz-zIMbR8s22e_mdXCUfUz8eJ1a4lJ7lSgzgeoCh4E.js:740)
Can you send any tips how to fix this?
To reproduce: Just install full new D8.4 demo package. Turn on CSS and JS aggregation if it is not turned on already… and visit admin/appearance/settings/gavias_sanbro settings form. Menu structure and pulldown menus are broken.

Review Left On 09/06/2022
Drupal 8.4.0 is released today. It seems that Gavias SliderLayer module (Version: 8.x-1.0) and Gavias Themer module (Version: 8.x-1.0) are not compatible with Drupal 8.4.0 core. Do you plan a new release of Gavias Sanbro theme compatible with new Drupal 8.4.0 core?
To reproduce: Install Gavias Sanbro demo and upgrade to 8.4.0 core. Visit theme settings or slider layer. They are both broken.