Hannah CD - Lifestyle & Fashion Blog Theme for WordPress
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A WordPress Blog Premium Theme for Fashion Blogger Created for Fashion Blogger to share your lifestyle. However, the Premium WordPress Theme can be used for all types of blogs. Build a clean, beautiful and modern website or blog. Use this responsive WordPress theme as blog, magazine, one page site, landingpage or as full website with all features together. The Fashion and Mode Blog Theme is packed with useful features such as Post Carousel, Widgets, Masonry layout and many more. Very easy to customize, fully responsive, SEO friendly and provides nice website performance. Look behind the scenes. See more at our online documentation or live demo.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/29/2022
thanks for contacting me. All my old themes which are currently listed on themeforest are no longer supported. Since WordPress has published the new block editor, EVERYTHING is changed in the world how to design websites.
Therefore I go a completely new way. In the last years I have worked out a completely new theme, which is very very powerful.
I think I can release this theme in the next two months.
If you are interested in to use the new theme, it’s possible to migrate your old purchase code to the new theme.
But you have to recreate your website with the new theme in a lot of parts.
Best regards,

Review Left On 05/09/2022
I purchased Hannah’s theme before and I have a question.
The last update date I saw on Themeforst was 2019, will this theme still be updated later?

Review Left On 09/27/2022
I really like the design and feel of your blog. I read in a comment that you are working on a new version and it supports 5.8. Could you provide it to me or send it to me please? As i’m not upgrading and doing a clean deploy/migration any combability issues are not a concern.
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