Industries - Factory and Industrial Business WordPress Theme
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Industries WordPress Theme developed specifically for all types of industry, Factory, Industrial, Construction, Engineering, Machinery Business, Commodity Business, Power, Rail Business, Airplane, Ship Business, Oil \u0026amp; Gas Business, Petroleum websites. Beside this you also have drag \u0026amp; drop page builder which you can use to create and rearrange content easily. Also you can quickly recreate a website similar to our demo site in minutes using our one click installer. The Theme comes with a Homepage design layouts, responsive and 15+ valid HTML files. The design is very elegant and modern, and also very easy to customize with 1170px grid. We hope so you will feel happy with them. Build your own website with our awesome Indust... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Good morning,
I’m interested on your template, and before buying it, I would like to know if I can apply it on a sub domain like these:,,
Then, I also need that template it can be compatible with Polylang plugin.
Waiting for a fast answer, I wish you best regards.

Review Left On 04/10/2022
What happened to the child theme? We just downloaded the latest version as we are still running version 1. I tried overwriting the theme and it broke the frontend – however as i say i also noticed there is no child theme now?

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Why when I add menu widget id doesn’t add like it’s on your demo site?
Knnel - Ultimate Dog Breeder WP Theme V1.1
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Restorator - Restaurant & Cafe WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Good morning,
I’m interested on your template, and before buying it, I would like to know if I can apply it to some sub-domain like these:,,, is it compatible?
Is it possible to create a child theme from this template?
Then, is this template compatible with Polylang plugin?
Waiting for a fast answer, I wish you best regards.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
I am trying to purchase but transaction failed where as my card in working i already buy theme from this forum. please support if there is any country restriction. I am from pakistan +923330439527

Review Left On 04/28/2022
to whom it may concern.
yesterday i bought
and i want to know
if all dashboard photo change as i Want in WP dashboard ?

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Hi. When you install demo data go to Appearance → Theme Options → Utility → Import Demo Settings. loading begins and does not stop (waited 40 minutes ), if you refresh the page and load it again, the menu is duplicated and loading occurs incorrectly. In/ wp-includes/ functions. php by finding set_time_limit function there is no such string .

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Hello, I am interested in this template, but first I would like to know if the menu bar can be transparent and include the logo with the menu and the language selection.

Review Left On 05/30/2022
I’ve been trying to submit a support ticket on your platform but keep getting an error.
ERROR: “Sorry, that purchase code is for a different Envato product.”
I’m in urgent need to fix this issue i’m having. Thank you

Review Left On 07/24/2022
Can you please copy me the code to insert to page so i can get Agricultural Engineering page?
You know .. text code and then i activate Visual Composer and get a page

Review Left On 07/26/2022
I Have tried submitting a ticket: keep getting purchase code does not correspond to the selected product ,
really dont have time for this

Review Left On 07/31/2022
I have latest theme version 1.9 with latest PHP vesrion 7.4 all plugins are updated.
but having theme options error with the default theme plugin
1. When I active plugin “Theme Support” backend of page with Visual composer code. but its fixed when
deactive Theme Support plugin.
2. Theme option not working. When I goto other theme options like footer settings, clients that are not opening
Debug log has error like some functions are deprecated and I can not use older PHP version.
[25-Sep-2020 08:18:17 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme_support_industries/includes/helpers/shortcodes.php on line 529
[25-Sep-2020 08:18:17 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPAlchemy_MetaBox has a deprecated constructor in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme_support_industries/includes/vafpress/includes/wpalchemy/MetaBox.php on line 181
[25-Sep-2020 08:18:17 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPAlchemy_Taxonomy has a deprecated constructor in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme_support_industries/includes/vp_new/classes/taxonomy.php on line 65
[25-Sep-2020 08:18:18 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPAlchemy_MetaBox1 has a deprecated constructor in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/theme_support_industries/includes/vp_new/classes/MetaBox.php on line 245
Can you give me solution to fix this error and make working thee options.?
Also can you also reply on email address [email protected]

Review Left On 09/20/2022
Hi there
I recently updated the theme and plugins for my client’s website, the website on the front end continued to work fine, but when I needed to edit content via Visual Composer I realised that Visual Composer was not working anymore.
I also cannot change any of the theme options, if I click on the theme options menu it won’t go to that item for editing, it just stays on General.
Updating of plugins and themes should not require me to pay extra for support should they break the website. Most websites I can fix myself should an error occur, but this problem seems to be quite big. I see that I am not the only with the problem, so there must be a solution.
Your urgent assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.