NGOO - Charity, Non-profit, and Fundraising Muse Template
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NGOO is a clean, modern, and fully responsive Muse Template. it is designed for charity, non-profit, fundraising, donation, volunteer, businesses or any type of person or business who wants to showcase their work, services and professional way. NGOO was built with Adobe Muse CC, so easy to customise without Code Required. you can easily change the content (color, text, images) to your own. and NGOO is totally responsive so it is completely adjustable for any devices (desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone). If you’re looking for muse template, then this is the template for you. Features Fully Responsive Template. Responsive Fixed-width. 3 Home versions. 3 Header versions. No Code Required. Easy to... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Having issues with Uploading/adding Fontawesome. The .woff file is not being accepted. What should I do ?

Review Left On 04/15/2022
How to I access the Phone Version to edit? When I open my site on my phone, it pulls up all jumbled.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
Hi, we are having a few problems.
First, our email address is longer than the one that you have on the site. When we change it to ours it will not reformat on the page. When we view it in the browser it bunches it up. We tried moving the text box on the master, but no matter how far we move it away it still renders the same way in the preview browser.
Second. We do not need all of the social media icons on the top. When we delete the ones that we do not need and then move them over. when we render it in browser it moves them back to where they were and leaves blanks in the spots that we removed.
Third, we can not find the Donate button on the top right hand side of the page so that we can edit it,
Last. Is there anyone to change all of the orange in the theme at the same time.
Thanks for your help!
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Review Left On 05/04/2022
Hi, I purchased your Muse NGOO template to help build a new website for a 501 C3 Charity. When we downloaded and opened the Muse file was missing some of the things that we need. It is missing the social media icons as well as some assets like the exclamation marks and most importantly the fonts. We bought this because we do not know much about designing a website and thought that we could just plug in our words, pictures, delete the things we did not need, move a few things around and get a functional website. Is there anyway that we can download a new version of the site that has all of the missing components? Thanks!

Review Left On 05/18/2022
Hi, I opened the template and folders but some assets are missing – the icons for social media, and the icons for email and call us on the top, right above the nav bar. Can you please tell me where I can get those? Thank you.

Review Left On 08/18/2022
Hello, I like the theme design; however, is the theme content are ready for publishing without further work or extensions, for example, the donation form, be volunteer for, event registration…
Where can I edit/add contents to the website?
Do you have a plan to convert it to Wordpress?