The Litae - Creative & Minimal Portfolio / Agency Template
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A High Performance, Portfolio Template for Creatives The Litae is a complete and versatile HTML template that is perfect for creative portfolios – from bloggers and freelancers to video production and commercial stores. Whether you want to present a collection of work, inspiration, products or services, this portfolio template has every detail covered. Main Features TaurusMenu – Responsive Mega Menu (worth $14) Masonry And Grid Portfolio Unlimited Colors. Create your custom color scheme with only a few clicks! Block Reveal Effects Parallax Effects Retina Ready Smooth Scrolling Responsive Design Responsive Video Support Google Fonts Support Working PHP Contact Form Built With HTML5 and CSS3 70... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
I have a problem with the portfolio sites. They no longer open in Elementor. The team of Elementor could not help.
So I contacted the author of the theme, but have not yet received an answer. Do other users have the same problem?

Review Left On 08/20/2022
days ago I contacted the author, but not responding.
I would like to buy The Litae, but I have a question pre purchase:
in the Demo version online, I see many mistakes, eg:
Uncaught ReferenceError: and is not defined
at HTMLLIElement. (custom-project.js: 111)
at HTMLLIElement.handle (jquery.js: 3)
at HTMLLIElement.dispatch (jquery.js: 3)
at HTMLLIElement.r.handle (jquery.js: 3)
This is a problem that occurs only in demo version?
In addition, on mobile version, when I make scrollin page, the logo is crushed in height.
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