Organica – Health Beauty HTML Template is a great store specialize in selling organic products such as cosmetic, food, nutritional food, nutritional drinks. Organic is the beautiful and fully responsive template. We have included 7 defined layouts for home page to give you best selections in customization. You can mix between all home page layouts to get a different layout for your own website. Home page is designed eye-catching with large slideshow above and below Mega Menu. Slideshow is great with smooth transitions of texts and nice images. Main features: Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Neat, clean and simple design Creative and Modern Flat Design Shortcode Ready Total 21+ HTML Pages Amazing Megamenu Built Based o... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi there I purchased a theme Organica -
I cannot upload the Theme. I get an error message – Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
Please help!

Review Left On 05/03/2022
I buy this template its its very good really appreciate your work.
I have only 1 query in pages i didn’t find any pages for my account or order details section pages that’s generally present in e commerce website
Request you please share My account and order details pages.

Review Left On 09/02/2022
Clear and clear one of the best work in market. Finally updated I waited for it long long time ! Thank you
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