Theme Description: Our new Accio one-page template brings the fresh sip of inspiration! It is incredible, clean and unique! Accio is extremely easy to use and setup. Such a great number of awesome features are gathered in one template! With our Accio you get Full Screen Layer Slider, Full Screen Parallax Slider and Full screen video Youtube Player. Accio knows how to catch your attention – it is amazing combination of nice-looking design, multiple CSS 3 animations, stunning parallax effects and clean coding. Accio would become your best friend in any sphere of business and corporate projects, surely it meets all needs as a portfolio template, but the main point is that Accio is unbelievably universal piece of cod... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Hey Author
Please help me.
When sending the mail you do not get a feedback, that the message is sent. So visitors to our site send it 5 times at least as they do not know the message is sent…. What can we do to tell them the message is sent?
Thank you the answer!

Review Left On 05/01/2022
I have a question.
In iten “Folio” when selecting the first category in the event “video” and then move to “Services” in the top menu, the selection does not change, remains in “Folio”.
I wish you fix it “Live Preview” for me to make sure that it is not a bug unsolved.
I will do purchase safely.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi there,
Most likely you have submitted ticket Friday night or on Saturday and please be advised we are closed on weekends and provide support within business days, so your ticket will be replied within Monday.
Accio | Responsive Onepage Parallax Agency WordPress Theme
Invento | Architecture Building Agency Template
Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive
Diplomat | Political Campaign, Party, Blog Responsive WordPress Theme
Goodnex Responsive HTML5/CSS3 Site Template

Review Left On 05/08/2022
Hello, i like your template, i have a presale question, its possible to play several videos in the main page, with a control to move to another video, in the same place in the homepage

Review Left On 06/03/2022
Hi there,
is this theme still supported? When has the last update been? Does it receive security-updates if needed? Or is the more expensive version necessary?
And second question: Does this version support more pages than the home page at all?

Review Left On 08/09/2022
great theme.
I have only one problem; When i try to change something in the style.css (like colors), then i just get completely blank pages on my website. How is possible?
I tryed to contact your support system, but after many days I still wait for an answer.
I know how to work on HTML and CSS, but when i change the color of something for example, I get those white pages.
Any help?