Invento architecture building site template is mainly developed for architecture bureaus and agencies, could be used as a portfolio or showcase for any kind of building agency as well as for any other business types. Theme Description: You will be amazed by the modern design and functionality of our Invento Architectural Template and plus it could be easily edited and modified according to your needs. You wouldn’t believe to all these great features we have implemented with the template. You can use the variety of menus, Fullscreen and Carousel sliders, create different gallery layouts, portfolios and blog pages and with all this being added your website will look holistically and modern. We have equipped our Invento Architectural Templ... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Hello again , I have to change the color of the horizontal scroll in “sly-gallery-post.html” but it is not in the css , it looks like… where I can find these properties

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hello I’ve purchased a template and I want to upload it on my Blogger blog >> the template is html files and i want xml file for blogger plz help

Review Left On 04/16/2022
hi, i have a problem wiht Google maps. It gives an error says that ”
This page was unable to load Google Maps correctly.” How can i fix this error. And the other error is in fullscreen slider next and prev button. it doesn’t work when you hover over it and click on the arrows. Can you help to solve these problems for me please.
Car Dealer Automotive WordPress Theme – Responsive
Diplomat | Political Campaign, Party, Blog Responsive WordPress Theme
Engorgio | All Purpose Expressive WordPress Theme - Responsive
Diplomat | Political Responsive Site Template
Accio | Responsive Onepage Parallax Agency WordPress Theme

Review Left On 04/23/2022
Hi there, lovely theme!
Are the sass files included on the html download or only the css?

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi there,
Thanks for reporting the issue, we’ll fix that one in our next update, it will be available for download in a couple of days.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi! Sorry, I can’t seem to log in to create a ticket on your support platform. I am having issues with your HTML theme’s responsive navigation button. The drop-down menu is falling behind the header elements. It happens on your demo page, as well ( —see that the first element in the drop-down mobile menu is sub-menu item Slider Grid Gallery). Have you worked on a solution for this, or could you hint at a line of code where I can fix it? Thanks!

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Where is the javascript for the portfolio filters? How does these filters work can you explain a little bit?

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hello, i need to change the map in contact.html but i don’t found where to do the change, where must i copy the map’s url

Review Left On 05/08/2022
Was wondering how to use the smooth scroll feature (being used on the back to top arrow) for menu items at the top of the page. Can that be done?

Review Left On 06/13/2022
Hi, I just buy the template, and I want to use it on Wordpress, when I try to upload it I have issues with the file styles.css. Wordpress sends me a messagge that the template don’t have the style sheet “Style.css”

Review Left On 07/01/2022
Hello, I’ve just bought your theme.
I’ve a problem with the code.
When I open the html page in the browser
I see blank screens!
For example when i open “fullscreen-slider.html” I can see only
a confusing screen with overlapping parts!
Why? can you help me?

Review Left On 07/03/2022
Hello night …
I’m having trouble with the tag in the portfolio file-full-width-6-columns.html and the other with the tags I mentioned
By connecting to ‘gallery table’ (for example) like the script below
$ Sql = “Select trim (b.nama_kat), c.name_client, a.ket, b.id_kat, a.path_foto From gallery a, category b, client c where c.id_klien = a.id_klien and a.id_kat = b .id_kat order by a.id_gallery ”;
$ Query = mysql_query ($ sql);
While ($ data = mysql_fetch_array ($ query))
Mix mix_all”>
” Alt = ”” />
Php echo $ data [1]; ?>
Php echo $ data [2]; ?>
this part :
Mix mix_all”>
Can not read properly if the php script is inserted.
Please help. thank you

Review Left On 07/27/2022
hi, first of all sorry for my bad english, have a problem with google map api and address. i have my api key for google map but i cant find where to paste the code . And where paste 38.461129, 27.167141 . im not use word press theme

Review Left On 07/27/2022
Hello, I can’t make the captcha working – Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)- and for the form I have just to put an email address directly line 6 in contact-send?, thanks for your answer.

Review Left On 07/28/2022
Trying to embed a video with full width size. It seems that the template always adds a vp-class to body and a player class. How can I remove those clases or how can I embed a full width video?

Review Left On 08/30/2022
Hello, I’ve bought your template Invento.
How I can change font and size of Title of modules ?
It’s possible to change the colors of background ?
Best Valentino

Review Left On 09/21/2022
Hi, thanks for the great theme!
However, I have a very basic problem. I cannot add this theme to my wordpress account. When click “Add a new theme” and “Select the file”, I come across with the warning of “Missing style.css file” after unpacking process. How can I solve this issue?

Review Left On 09/23/2022
How can I fit this slider to screen height? ? now it’s too big vertical height.
Thank you

Review Left On 09/27/2022
Hello, please help with the gallery grid. All the gray gallery is not visible, everything is gray. This seems to be due to the JS files.