Listing is Classified ADS listing html template build with latest bootstrap 3x, this template is fully integrated with google map, font awesome, bootstrap 3.3.4, mailchimp. Design is clean, attractive and fully responsive for small devices. custom php form embedded neat and clean code validated form design fulfill requirement of any directory type Features - Elegant Design - Neat and Clean Code - Well Documented - Valid HTML, CSS - Retina Ready - Fully Responsive - Bootstrap 3.3.4 - Mailchimp Integration - Custom PHP Form - 16 High Quality HTML files included - Font-Awesome Support - Login/register modal forms - Attractive color Scheme - Revolution Slider - Google Map with Multiple Locations Support - Owl Carousel... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
i need an help because “Attenzione
JInstaller: :Install: Non è stato possibile trovare il file di setup XML” why?
thamks al lot

Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi, can I use this HTML template with a skeleton Wordpress theme like Underscores by Automatic to create my website?

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi DesignsVilla, I recently purchased your template via envato and I am having difficulty uploading the theme. There is no style sheet in the files so wordpress keeps on failing. I tried using ftp but it only appears in wordpress as a broken theme stating the same issue that the style sheet is missing. Sadly you are the second provider I am having this issue with and i am starting to feel cheated is my $29 mth/$348yr not enough to get a fully functional theme hear?
Grab Taxi | Online Cab Service WordPress Theme
Special - Landing Page HTML Pack
HelpMe - Nonprofit Landing Page Template With Page Builder
Holy Church | Religion, Charity & Nonprofit WordPress Theme
Zio Alberto | Pizza Restaurant, Cafe & Bistro WordPress Theme

Review Left On 05/12/2022
I have a pre-purchase question that might be stupid, but I will ask anyway – what is the difference between an html template and a theme, what will I need to do to use this and make it a complete theme for my website?

Review Left On 08/01/2022
o thanks for the help the web work perfectly. do you know how to remove the icons layers of commerce in google map. i want the map show the street, and the markers that business owner put, no the others commerce or business. thanks

Review Left On 08/19/2022
hello, I have a problem with the installation of the theme in my wordpress it said: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme install failed. after I tried to install just the but said the same.
by the way the purchased code for support does not works in your website.