Education Courses HTML5 Template – Edu plus Education HTML Edu plus is Education HTML5 Template for education purpose website or portal. It is suitable for Education Course related projects and it includes web elements which helps you to build your own site. This education template has everything you need to start your next upcoming education course related project. This template is suitable for Education Course Learning Management System website. This education template has fully responsive layouts. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones and small mobile devices. This template is built with Bootstrap 3. Edu plus is suitable for educational web, LMS, Training Center,... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hello people!
First of all, again, congratulations on the template!
I would like help on two issues.
The first in FUNFACTS.
When I enter numbers above 1,000, it appears in the American count format: “1,000”.
How can I make it to be displayed in the Latin metric, which is “1,000”?
That is, the thousand separator is the point, not the comma.
The second issue is in MEGAMENU -> LATEST NEWS.
In this item, we have a title and a date.
We can not reduce the space between them.
Maybe it’s line spacing.
We did not find the CSS.
Thank you very much!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I have purchased the template above. However, the download-plugin-revolution-slider.html file in the plugins-and-documentation-download folder included in the attachment can not be downloaded.
When I connect to, it says that the file does not exist.
Please send the URL back via email.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
数据挖掘工程师是统计学作业代写的一个分支。这也是一个比较应用的工作,要求应聘者了解相应的data mining算法,从物流回归、决策树、随机森林、SVM聚类到CNN RNN的一些深度学习算法。常常使用的编程软件有Python,Java等等。python中DL和NLP的很多包都很好用,所以您需要熟悉这些包的用法。这种岗位还是挺高的,统计学各方面的理论基础要扎实,尖端的ML,DL算法要懂,对数据要敏感,能提出问题,能从数据中找到答案。通常需要一定的相关工作经验。这是我所知道的一个大概的理解,而不是围绕的就是这个立场。
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Review Left On 09/07/2022
I purchased this template already, but when i scroll up and scroll down i seen this template have error as below:
[Intervention] Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener due to target being treated as passive. See
error jquery-plugin-collection.js:137
how i can fix?