Muka is a perfect website template for cooking \u0026amp; bakery classes, workshop and online courses Running a restaurant or want to take your culinary school, cooking classes with workshops, baking and pastry lessons, culinary training and education to an online world? Have a website related to Food, Cafe, Bakery, cooking and so on? With this cooking web template possibilities are endless. MUKA is a carefully crafted Restaurant HTML Template perfectly suitable to meet your needs. Being easy to customize this HTML Template is going to become the best for your business. It already comes with the necessary pages specific fot this very sphere. You can try to build websites recipes with a modern and elegant style. To sum up you can u... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/14/2022
Hi there,
Is it possible, when enlarging an image, the actual size of the image shows? Now it is a fixed size:
//default values
var width = 1334;
var height = 750;)

Review Left On 04/15/2022
I have some problem on loading of page,
i used as starting page index-singlepage.html.
when page is loaded sometime first part of page is not shown
the part that is missing is the carusel with pictures as backgroud
reloading several time the page this appear again
how i can fix the problem

Review Left On 05/13/2022
Hey, great template, tempted to buy. Just a remark: in the WP version there is a styled drop-down select in the mail form, which you don’t have in the html version. Is that something you would add to the html too?
Also the way the calendar works is different in the html version than the WP. In html it only shows one month, whilst in the WP version I can click to see previous and next months.
I would rather buy the html version, but the WP has a nicer dropdown and more functionalities in the calendar, so please let me know. Thanks.
Sofbox v5.0 - Tech & SaaS Multipurpose Software Landing Page
Spirit - Christmas Landing Pages with Page Builder
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Ora | Travel and Hotel Booking PSD
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Review Left On 06/01/2022
hello thanks for your product i try to install it directly but i can’t they said
style.css missing how can i do ?
thank’s for your answer regards

Review Left On 07/06/2022
I bought – Bakery and Cooking Classes HTML Template by mistake.
Then I found Kruton – Bakery and Cooking Classes WordPress Theme
and bought it.
I would like to request cancellation of – Bakery and Cooking Classes HTML Template . What should I do?
Best regards
[email protected]

Review Left On 07/27/2022
Hi there, is it possible to add a video background on the homepage slider, please, instead of just images?

Review Left On 08/14/2022
I bought MUKA today, where can I download WordPress themes?
I can’t see the email I set, so can you reply to this email address?
Best regards
[email protected]

Review Left On 09/13/2022
Hi there. Two questions:
- sometimes the fontawesome icons show up in Chrome, and sometimes they don’t – how come?
- the arrows next to the slider don’t show up in Chrome anymore – how come?

Review Left On 10/02/2022
Please tell me how to downloads the function .php & style.css
Best regards