Mix Multipurpose-Consultancy, Travel, Startup, Software, Charity, Catering, CV, Creative, Youtuber
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Perfect multipurpose landing page bootstrap templates are like rare Pokemon cards or collectibles for developers these days. A well-designed and carefully curated landing page can lift up any small, medium or corporate business like a rocket! But can†all landing page bootstrap template do the trick? That’s why WebtechToday†has designed Mix- the best†multipurpose landing page bootstrap template one can find in the market to meet your requirements and boost your product or service. Save Coding Hours Who can use Mix: Mix is a collection of multiple landing page bootstrap templates. Each of these bootstrap templates are specifically designed and developed to serve certain niches. The primary release of this multipurpose landing page boots... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I am familiar with bootstrap drag-n-drop builders, so Is this a builder? Or do you manually have to add the code for the blocks?

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hello I have a problem with the contact formulary of mix multipurpose landing page Bootstrap Template. I can´t received mails, it doesn´t work
I need support pliss
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