Elizabeth - A Responsive WordPress Blog Theme
Reviews: 3 | Overal Rating: BadExcellect | |
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Elizabeth is a Simple, Clean and Multi-concept Personal WordPress Theme for Blogger, Writer, Vlogger and Traveller. It comes with nice typography by default and also you can use custom typography too. Very suitable for writers and everyone who like writing or blogging. Elizabeth is totaly responsive so it adapts to any device it is viewed on. It also allows you to display links to your social media profiles, custom menus and a feed with your last Instagram content above the footer or on the sidebar using the Instagram Widget. Elizabeth will make your WordPress look beautiful everywhere. Easy installation and powerful settings are all you need to build excellent websites. Feature List Responsive Design Post Formats Supported... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022

it's been three weeks since I bought this theme, which is very good. But there is a bug with the widget instagram and the author of the theme does not answer my messages! I sent her 4/5 emails and I have no answers! it makes me want to buy another and get my money back!

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi. Can someone help me and say to me how and where can I put in the translations for e.g. read now, comment, related post. Thank you in advance.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi Rose-B, the Instagram footer does not work anymore. I have the theme at version 1.5. How can I solve the problem? Thank’s in advance for your help.
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Review Left On 04/21/2022

Visually, this theme is great. It allows for a variety of customization at all levels. The problems comes in a handful of issues I came across and the near lack of support I've received despite paying for the additional support time. My first three emails via the support button went unanswered. It was only when I requested a refund that my email was responded to - an update would be released "soon." The update came, I sent another email questioning the install of the update. Almost a week later I received a response, very lacking in information, but a response nonetheless. I installed the update this evening. Nothing was fixed. In addition to the dozen of problems I ran into over a month ago, the update to fix the fancy Instagram feed did nothing. I just want a theme with functionality I can trust. I probably won't get my money back (she denied me the first time), and I don't expect Themeforest or Envato to do anything about it either. I'm left with either scrapping this theme and starting over, or sticking with this one, settling with the problems it has and the lack of support I continue to receive.

Review Left On 05/03/2022
THank you for your interest in our theme, unfortunately, the theme doesn’t support Visual Composer

Review Left On 07/14/2022
The author takes a LONG time to respond to emails and to HELP. Note that this theme does NOT support Elementor Pro.

Review Left On 07/24/2022
I have a problem with the instagram plugin. It stopped updating couple of days ago, and no mather what i have tryed to fix it the is no response. If you could help me it would be great.

Review Left On 08/06/2022

This theme is perfect for my blog. It exactly what I've been looking for. I love the way my blog looks as well as my mobile site.

Review Left On 08/17/2022
I’m having trouble getting the comment section to appear on all of my posts. It shows on some but not on all. I have checked the post settings and checked the boxes in each post allowing for comments. What else could it be? Can you address please? Is this a theme issue? Or any other tricks to try. I had another developer review it as well and they couldn’t see where it was wrong either.
The site is roroscookies.org. You’ll notice the comments section on the most recent post but not on the one before.