Real Estate is an awesome HTML5 template for real estate business. It’s compatible with all browsers \u0026amp; 100% responsive – you can use this template in all browsers and all devices and screens. This template have 13 different pages with Clean Codes and SEO optimize. Also, with creative \u0026amp; effective design developed with Less CSS, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, JavaScript. Using Less CSS Real Estate HTML5 Template used Less CSS, with this you can easily change Styles \u0026amp; Color combination. Bootstrap Developer friendly code based on Bootstrap and LESS, so editing and adding your own content is quite easy. UX ready We have created Real Estate Template with strong focus on User Experience in every... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/20/2022
The home-1 Slider deforms the image when resizes the navigator. The king size converts into individual when views in phone size. I Need keep the apect ratio of the image and display it centred ( loosing the lateral space of the image). I Tires to do this but only can keep the aspect ratio making all the image smaller. But the text content of the slider get off the page. ¿Can you help me?

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi, could you show me how to change the VERTICAL navigator (the round circle buttons) of the main top slider on the home page v.1 to HORIZONTAL.
*Note: I have removed the filter section (the find, search, range), so I wish to do the above.
Many thanks!

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Dear Sirs:
Please confirm if above theme is a WordPress theme and whether it allow for easy page addition to create nine (9) page head
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Review Left On 08/22/2022
Hi please look at i bought this theme read docu but couldnt find the statepress folder, i install the theme realestate_placeholder but not the template i am expecting on my site. please help