E-Bike | Stunning Electric Bicycle Store Responsive Shopify Theme
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ShopiLaunch proudly presents E-Bike, a brand new Electric Bike Store Responsive Shopify Theme specially designed for selling electric bicycles. But please do not let the name E-Bike | Bicycle limit you, the theme can also be ideal for fashion, watches, jewelry and so many more. E-Bike is 100% responsive with a clean, urban, somehow vintage and simple yet still very creative look that might please the eye of our most demanding clients. Is your business selling niche products with few models like electric bikes? Do multi-purpose website templates which are meant for everything and yet nothing in particular confuse you? If the answers are yes then we might just have something that can detangle your knot. Please excuse... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/21/2022
I just installed your theme which is really looking really great. I’m just having couple of issues at the moment. 1) The quick preview button is not working. When clicking on it, it only loads the animated gif and will froze the page and not opening the quick view page. 2) on the cart page, the arrow button up/down to adjust the item quantities are not working. Am I missing any setup or installation? Appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
May i know is this theme able to switch from shopping cart mode to catalog mode and vice-versa?

Review Left On 07/21/2022
This electric bike theme looks so cool. I really like this idea. I want to use this theme for my electric bike reviews that hosted on WordPress.
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