Frank H. McGill - Lawyers Attorneys and Law Firm Template
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Frank H. McGill is clean, modern and minimal Law Firm Template. The Template is also suitable for any legal, justice or law related businesses like consultancy business, legal adviser, accountant, counsel, advocate, solicitor or barrister. This is a fully customizable template. You can edit each and every part of this template according to your needs. Template Features Clean Code Structure Bootstrap Framework Light and Dark Versions Vertical Sidebar Menu Working Contact Form Fully Responsive \u0026amp; Mobile Friendly Easy to Customize Coded with SEO in Mind Retina Ready Fonts Awesome Icons FlatIcon (Lawyer Icons) Animate CSS Google Maps Google Fonts Well Documentation Free Updates W3C valid HTML files Displays well in all modern browse... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hello, the template is great.
A query, when I downloaded the folder, there is a .DS_Store file, is that file important?
Best regards

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hello. There is another version of this theme created by stheme, which costs $99. Yours cost $25, what is the difference?
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