Riddick is a responsive HTML Template for your personal resume website.Simple and modern design make your website look more impressive and attractive to viewers. Responsive based on Bootstrap 4. All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize. Features: Bootstrap HTML5 and CSS3 Validation Cross browser Full Responsive Template included 7 pages Font-Awesome fonts Google Fonts Easy to Customize Documentation included 24/7 Support Files included: HTML Files jQuery and JS files CSS files Documentation Credits: Jquery Bootstrap FontAwesome Images: www.pexels.com Please Note : This item is static HTML5 Template, It’s not... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/21/2022
Sorry to bother you !
But i bought your thème 15 min ago and i definetly can’t install it.
From plateform Wordpress or when i follow your documentation and install.
wp-content -> thème ->folder ridick
The wordpress don’t found files css
So must it move it or do something. I listen to you, thanks !
translate : the model was not found. A theme requires a template file index.php. Child themes require a template header in the style sheet style.css
thank for your help

Review Left On 04/28/2022
I opened your template on mobile….it does not show anything….I was going to purchase your template becuase it totally fits with my taste and need….but after viewing it on mobile …i saw nothing…and i changed my mind

Review Left On 07/25/2022
Hi there,
How can I setup the contact form, so when someone messages through it comes to my email? Thanks
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