Voip Business & Internet Company Website Template - Airip
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Airip, Telecom and cloud services HTML5 Template designed for VOIP, Telecom and cloud services companies solutions powered by an Elusive author, VOIP, telecommunications provide many features to create your own company website easily without writing any line of code. Features Valid HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Neat, clean and simple design Creative and Modern Design Total 7 HTML Pages Built Based on Bootstrap v3 Fully Responsive 2 home page Cross Browser Optimization Well Commented HTML \u0026amp; CSS files Google Fonts dynamic contact form Well Documented change log Version: 1.0.1 —-—-Date: 23-07-2019 Update: Update Bootstrap 4 CSS framework. Images are not included Support Feel free to contact us any... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Thank you for purchase our item . As you are first time in html so first you need to be learn html code for editing . Bye the way You can tell us what you want. So You can create a support ticket https://bootexperts.com/support/ . Thank you again.

Review Left On 05/02/2022
hello, good work, I have a question, it is possible to use your theme for customer accounts to follow their consumption and can it be linked with an API to transmit instant data

Review Left On 06/24/2022
Hi, how should I be editing the template, its the first time i use HTML, i have dreamweaver cs6 , what should i do?
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