FlexiBlog is a fully functional multi-purpose blog theme powered by React and Gatsby JS v3 and packed with various page layouts. With FlexiBlog, you’re not limited to local Markdown files; Contentful CMS and Strapi CMS and Netlify CMS and Sanity CMS are also supported by the theme to write your blog posts. Essential services such as Algolia search system, Mailchimp newsletter provider and Disqus commenting system are also integrated into the theme. With the modular React powered codebase, customization is developer-friendly and with the help of Gatsby’s Component Shadowing feature, you can easily modify any page or component in the template. The final product is a blazing fast and SEO friendly static site that you can upload to modern ho... READ MORE
Review Left On 04/15/2022
Hi ElegantStack, great work. i just want to know are your using graphql or rest in this template. if graphql then which client are you using (e.g. apollo client??).
i’m looking for graphql apollo + react hooks one
thanks in advance
Review Left On 04/16/2022
Hi, I have a feature request, can you add scroll to the top icon (Botton right) for the blog post page, for making it easier to navigate to the top. Helpful for blogs with lengthy content. Thanks
Review Left On 04/22/2022
“gatsby-source-strapi” threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:
Request failed with status code 404
Error: Request failed with status code 404
- createError.js:16 createError
- settle.js:17 settle
- http.js:293 IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd
- readable.js:1334 endReadableNT
- task_queues.js:82 processTicksAndRejections
warn The gatsby-source-strapi plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes. Do you need it?
success Checking for changed pages – 0.002s
success source and transform nodes – 0.205s
Missing onError handler for invocation ‘building-schema’, error was ‘Error: Type with name “StrapiArticle” does not exists’. Stacktrace was ‘Error: Type with name “StrapiArticle” does not exists
I have started strapi backend but blog frontend failed to start .Please help!
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Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hello, Presale question.
Design is good but I want to know few thinks.
Do we have Fields to set custom Meta like SEO Title, SEO Description, Keywords. The meta value should be Custom and not be same as Article title. So that we can set small title but Good SEO title which will not show in Article but Search engine will se that.
Can we Add html element like Affiliate Button in Article and add CSS for these button.
Suppose we have Thousands of Article then do we have problem on Building App.
Review Left On 06/28/2022
Thank you for your interest in the FlexiBlog theme.
1) Title and description and meta tags are generated automatically from article data. Keywords can be defined in each article settings.
2) Yes, you can use HTML and CSS in article body or create and use React components in articles if you choose to use MDX data sourcing.
3) You will have a higher build time for thousands of articles but it’s not an issue.