Social Activism - Non-Government Organization HTML Template with builder
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Social Activism is a new HTML template that is going to provide your non-government social organization with a decent and professional Internet presence. This template will help you come up with a bright website that is going to become a useful source for everyone willing to join your social movement. It’s clean, polished and is going to be super easy-to-customize, because we made sure that the code of the template is super clean and valid, as well as very well formatted and commented! So just take your chance at boosting your social campaign website! It comes in light and dark versions, as well as boxed and wide layout variations. Features fonts from Google Fonts Library and FontAwesome icons. It’s going to be the... READ MORE

Review Left On 06/19/2022
Thanks for purchase!
As you can see on the template description page:
Visual Builder is not actual HTML editor. It also cannot modify existing HTML pages. Its main purpose is creating new pages with predefined building blocks.
You can see the Builder video instruction here:
Best regards!

Review Left On 07/28/2022
How do I open the template into the builder?
I did try to open the zip file into the builder but it will not open.
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