Similar Wordpress Theme Available! Functional PHP version available here Compatible with popular real estate, classified, car dealer, city guide scripts like: Real Estate Agency Portal Classified Ads Script – Infinity Market Car Dealer Listings Directory City Guide Directory Portal LOCAL is a complete Directory portal template for any idea. Many helpful examples for page examples are available, and additional is planned based on suggestions or needs. LOCAL is based on Bootstrap 3, so if you like Bootstrap and ready to switch to latest modern version this is perfect template for you. In just few clicks you will have completely custom page with our nice Style Customizer. Av... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Hi, I have some pre-sale questions:
1) Do companies have their own news feed, where they can publish company news, offers and so on? Plus, is it possible to generate an RSS feed of these posts or publish them to FB, Twitter, G+?
2) Is it possible for companies to publish documents/file attachments (pdf) instead of just images?
Thank you

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi, Is it possible to add a visual composer / bakery in this template?
kind regards,

Review Left On 05/18/2022
This theme is static HTML, non functional.
Compatible integration coming soon, will be compatible with this script:
You are welcome!
Blaze - Portfolio Theme
MINIMAG - Magazine & Blog HTML Template
Primary – Kids & Kindergarten School PSD Template
Lisbeth - A Lifestyle Responsive WordPress Blog Theme
Bonsai - Responsive HTML Template for Landscapers & Gardeners

Review Left On 07/24/2022
I look forward to buying your theme. But I doubt …
Is there a panel to approve or deny user-created listings?
Can I moderate user comments?
Is the URL customizable? So I can define it by cities, shops, etc.
Is the whole functional the theme or do you need to do some programming?
Can I translate to Portuguese / Brazil?
Thank you.