AMP Mobile | Mobile Template Fastest Mobile Template on the Market powered by the newest framework designed by Google. The wonderful AMP. It’s 100% valid, and works like a charm! Loads instantly and powered by a tone of features! Elite Author Elite Quality Item with 7 + years experience! Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets! Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the market! Main Features Footer Menu Design for easy use Mobile \u0026amp; Tablet Ready PhoneGap \u0026amp; Cordova Compatible 400 + Resizable icons by Font Awesome Crisp, Clear, and Beautiful Fonts by Google Fonts Swiper Slider \u0026amp; Swipebox Image Galleries Lazy Load For Fast Image Loading FastClick for no delay on taps CSS3 / PHP... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/17/2022
Really like your theme! Amazing work.
What Iam missing:
- Form Items besides Input (Select etc.)
- Form Error handling is missing. There is just a message “error”
Could you add these form items?

Review Left On 05/07/2022
We have a website with prestashop .we already bought a module for amp from
But the them in amp mode is not good
We need theme for amp pages look like this website:

Review Left On 07/21/2022
Hi guys,
[1] Can this be used to iFrame a post or to pull in RSS feeds from my WP site, or do I need to manually write all posts from my blog in the AMP site version? [2] Can YT videos or channels be embedded?
[3] Adding ad banners code – is it possible and if so, will this then require extended license? [4] Possible to add tracking codes site-wide or on a per-page basis?
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Review Left On 08/21/2022
Why can i Get the links to work
i have an a href <-a>
the html looks good , but . . . .

Review Left On 09/13/2022
Can you give me a list of themes on Themeforest that have been built with your templates? Thanks!

Review Left On 09/17/2022
Hi guys,
I’m considering buying this. I understand that it is not a wordpress theme nor a plugin, so no questions there. My question is, is there any way to upload the AMP template files to my domain folder in my hosting account and then have my content feed into the AMP template? Or in other words, even though it is not a WP template or plugin, can I make this thing work with a WordPress theme? I’m reasonably savvy with coding but definitely not a guru. Thanks in advance.

Review Left On 09/19/2022
Dear Author, I am a Web Desiger by trade, and after purchasing and playing around with your template for a few minutes, I can see how awesome it is. The code is NOT as complicated as I expected and editing is easy as pie. Fantastic Job on the theme. Interestingly enough I did find that the local pages do not play well with Chrome browser. Very ironic since they are both Google products. It loads perfectly in every single other browser I tested… Including even the Tor browser…