A Pro - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template, Dashboard & WebApp Template
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Dashboard Dashboard Main Dashboard Light Dashboard Dark Dashboard Boxed Dashboard Mini Sidebar UI Kit Badges Buttons Floating Action Buttons Carousel Dock Modal Dropdown Dropdown menu Sortable Nav Breadcrumbs Pagination Alert Callout Tooltip Accordion Tab Process Progress bar Spinner Timeline Timeline activity Layout Bootstrap grid Sidebar Mini Sidebar Horizontal Menu Mega Menu Extra pages Invoice Profile Login Register Lockscreen 404 Error 500 Error Blank Page Pace Page Form Default inputs Material inputs Success inputs Warning inputs Error inputs Combine inputs Custom checkboxes Custom radios Password strength Form layouts Color picker Date time selector Select picker Upload buttons Validation Chart ChartJS Morris Sparklin... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hello, I emailed your regarding an issue but did not get reply. Can you please take a look at your emails. Please reply me.

Review Left On 04/23/2022
I like your theme and interested in to buy but I looking for landing page. Like I want to create a homepage for user and they have ability’s to see header with login and signup button and sidebar comes to horizontal, as you know like responsive headers of other websites. Do you have this kind of thing inside?
Also I am unable to view your white dashboard layout. I try to open it but every time got dark sidebar mode.
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