ReaLand is a professional solution for real estate businesses, who’d like to improve their online presence, attract new clients and make it easier for people to find them. If you’re going to sell houses and apartments online, provide rental services, or create property listings, ReaLand might be the right choice for you. It comes with a rich user interface kit that contains a wide variety of website elements carefully designed and coded. This includes input fields, typography, widgets and more. Depending on your website’s purpose, we provide you with over 40 ready-made HTML5 pages, not to mention several blog layouts and a set of pre-built variations of header and footer. The template also includes a valid and fully functional contact... READ MORE

Review Left On 05/07/2022
U seem to have the option of advance search then u can hide but where is the search button ?
Very nice theme, it be nice if you could fix some stuff as you would sell more .
Let me know if u fix some stuff i would buy .
Good luck

Review Left On 07/11/2022
Will this theme be updated soon?
Also can this theme be offered as a standalone ? If yes at what cost ?
Thank u

Review Left On 08/13/2022
Hi, i have an issue, in single_property_1.html in section Schedule A Visit it has a little bug in the input date, you click on it but modal not working unless you still pushing the mouse botton, it’s not easy to change dates, could you tell me please how to fix it. thanks
Gardis | Blinds and Curtains Studio & Shop WordPress Theme
Eduland - Academy & Training Courses HTML5 Template
Exquisite - Creative Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Ozone App - Apps / Games Landing Page Template - Responsive HTML5 Template
Sopnovilla - Single Property Real Estate Template

Review Left On 08/25/2022
my installation nt working whats wrong with theme ?......
Installing Theme from uploaded file: themeforest-20859180-realand-real-estate-html-template (1).zip
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.