Bleurant - Creative Team and Portfolio HTML Template
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Bleurant is a clean and simple HTML template for creative team and portfolio. There are several pages included in this template: Team Page, Portfolio Page, Project page, About Page, Client page and Contact Page. This template is responsive and optimized for mobile device. Note: Images in the preview are not included in the download package. We have included placeholder images for each instance. Contact Us Feel free to contact us here.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Thank you . We still do not have the WordPress version. Hope we also can create one later. Thank you.

Review Left On 04/22/2022
Wow so minimal and clean but somehow a rich theme, with a story behind it. When can I have a Wordpress theme I need it now!

Review Left On 04/23/2022
bonjour… is this template still up to date reagarding the technical stuff? I ask as I notice the last update is 2017.. but I love the concept.. so if I can use it I will..
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