The One || Creative One Page Photography / Portfolio Template
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A fully responsive high-end template with a modern design suitable for all creative fields. The One is a fully responsive high-end template with a modern design suitable for all creative fields. The template is featuring a powerful fullscreen background video and imagery making it a perfect choice for photographers, artists and designers who want to showcase their work. The One makes it easy for you to create a website. It is built on top of the hugely popular Bootstrap framework thus offering clean, semantic HTML and well-structured CSS. The code is excellently formatted a... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
There is

Review Left On 04/21/2022

Well, i have to say the customer service is excellent, and the template is very very well designed. To be honest all you need to do is right click and click on inspect element to change what you want while in the browser. Then go to your html editor and make the changes. The code is very clean which allows you to do so. The Feel that this gives to the Beginning of my website was the touch i was looking for, for a long time. So now My splash page is set up in a way i can use basic background images, or change it up with a full page video to promote my site or members on my site. Thank you for creating an awesomeness lol. Look forward to purchasing more of this developers product. Especially if they keep up with the excellent customer service.

Review Left On 05/01/2022
Lovely theme but are you able to quickly tell me where I should be looking to change the speed in which it transitions from one slide to another in the ‘home slider’ iteration of the the theme. Its way to quick for me at the moment….have looked in both source and css but cant find any obvious change to make.
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Review Left On 05/20/2022
Pre sales Question
I have checked demo on Iphone , none of the video is playing ..

Review Left On 06/01/2022
templateden form taglarini kaldırınca. site teması tamamen bozuluyor.illa php kullanmak zorundasınız. hadi kullanayım desen css btonları gönderme işlemi yapmıyor ( btn.Enable=False ) kendinde eklesen . biyerde çakışıyor. html sorunlu. sakın almayın.( do not take it ) benim elimde patladı sizinde patlar. 15 tane template aldım ’ den böle sorunla karşılaşmadım.

Review Left On 08/06/2022
i loved the drop menu effect on your previous version of the One (Events) any chance they will be included in this new version?

Review Left On 08/22/2022
I bought this template few years ago, and I bought it a month ago. In this new version it takes 15 seconds to load a template. Namely, in the old version, web site load immediately and after that start to load a slide show with photographs. In the newest version ( all 60 of them ), visitor must wait 15 sec . Now this template become completely unusable and useless, Who will wait for 15 sec? Nobody!!!
Ex Nihilo is there are any way to make that web site loads immediately and that visitor wait only for a slide show?