Artfolio – portfolio solution for creatives Hi, this is ArtFolio, single page html/css template “all about your work” attitude. With artfolio you can have different background for each page. With this and cool transition between pages it is a perfect portolio solution for every creative person. Theme features: * Single page, grid system portfolio * Full screen resazible image backgrounds * Unique page transitions * Light and dark version to choose from * Smart linking system (no more internal links :)) * Php contact form with validation * Preloader * Universal portfolio (put whatever you want – image / series of images / video) * Additional elements – buttons, tabs… * Cross-browser, valid code * Well organized and commented code... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
i have 2 questions about videos:
1. also in your demo, when i load a video in the fancybox and i close it, then i can’t see it until i refresh the page;
2. if i have my video in a template’s folder instead of vimeo/youtube/etc., the video’s audio starts as the index is loaded.
I think they shouldn’t be difficult to fix,
thanks a lot in advance for your help!

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Downloaded the templete, and it’s AMAZING ! Very easy to work with, and gives me way too many options. Great work!!

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I was about to buy this item until i realised it doesn’t work with IE8 . That’s what my parents and my work uses…
When it’s fixed i will definately look at getting this template.
Starlight - Responsive Portfolio
Exit - parallax single page portfolio
SPOTLESS Minimal Portfolio Site Template
UP - Premium True Parallax Single Page Template
Scrollfolio - Parallax Scrolling Effect portfolio

Review Left On 04/18/2022
I have nearly finished my website and I was pretty happy about it, until I test it on explorer 9 and realize it’s not working at all.
The description says it’s compatible with IE8 and IE9 , so did I do something wrong ? Here is the temporary url:
Could you help please ? Thank you.

Review Left On 04/20/2022
Can you tell me is there any intention to release for Wordpress?
And what kind of video support is enabled? (I see vimeo however what about self hosting videos?)
Great effort, all the best.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi There ! First of all thanks, this is a great work !
I have 2 issues though:
- the first one is the same as RunDesign just above. If I place a video in a folder, It only reads once, then the link does not work anymore, unless you refresh the website.
- the second one, is that I would like to change the number of columns to 4, instead of 3, as I have lot of things to show and would like to avoid having to scroll too much down. But I can’t find how to edit the code to get it to create 4 columns. I’m sure it’s very easy, but I can’t find the exact div that should be edited to allow that.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Can you give me some direction on making multiple project “galleries” just like the home page. I’d like to mimic the current home page into multiple categories—for example:
Home (latest work mixed gallery)
Logos (gallery)
Collateral (gallery)
Print (gallery)
Websites (gallery)
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been modifying the css and custom.js for hours and only manage to make a mess of things.
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi, I would like to know if there is a solution to this issue, as I have the same problem…thanks!
Can you give me some direction on making multiple project “galleries” just like the home page. I’d like to mimic the current home page into multiple categories—for example:
Home (latest work mixed gallery)
Logos (gallery)
Collateral (gallery)
Print (gallery)
Websites (gallery)
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been modifying the css and custom.js for hours and only manage to make a mess of things.
Thank you!

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Can you tell me how to change the font? The Droid font doesn’t support latin characters like áâãéô.

Review Left On 05/05/2022
Hi, I would like to know if there is a solution to this issue, as I have the same problem…thanks!
Can you give me some direction on making multiple project “galleries” just like the home page. I’d like to mimic the current home page into multiple categories—for example: Home (latest work mixed gallery) Logos (gallery) Collateral (gallery) Print (gallery) Websites (gallery) About Contact Social Footer Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been modifying the css and custom.js for hours and only manage to make a mess of things. Thank you!

Review Left On 05/06/2022
I tested it con both mac and windows, but on win IE8 definitely does not work. Whats the compatibility?

Review Left On 05/22/2022
This is actually really, really cool. Definitely one of the best portfolio templates out there.
Best of luck to you in sales !

Review Left On 10/05/2022
Great work of art you have there. One question though, do you have any plan releasing the responsive, high resolution version of this product?
Thanks in advance for your swift and kind response.