Pet Clinic is a Creative and Lightweight Responsive HTML5 Template for Veterinary, Animal Health and Medical websites. This is built with Bootstrap 4 and it’s offering multiple variations in landing homepage design with unique User Experience (UX). It looks beautifully stunning on all types of screens and devices including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, etc. The Pet Clinic offers a creative and business-focused way to present and promote your Veterinary service’s website. RTL feature included in the Pet Clinic template so, using for Arabic and Hebrew language based website would be quick and easier. The template has a well commented and easily customizable source code with detailed documentation. All of these features will help t... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/15/2022
hi there!
Trying to install all the theme i got stuck, i mean, i can’t find the way to connect your appointment page to an e-mail, hope you can tell me how to get it!

Review Left On 04/17/2022
I got this theme, then when I tried to install it on my wordpress gave an errer showing the follow message:
pet-clinic Template is missing. Standalone themes need to have a index.php template file. Child themes need to have a Template header in the style.css stylesheet.

Review Left On 04/27/2022
I want to use a template for the website, but I have no skills of creation of the website. I independently to translate the interface into Russian?
MegaBux | Construction WordPress Theme
Zoo Everest - Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme
Sequex - WordPress Movie Database Theme
Harbor - Health and Medical Care
Evanta - Responsive Event Landing Page

Review Left On 05/07/2022
You posted a fix to this error to your drop box but I need it again and your drop box is discontinued. How can I get the fix?
You must bind parsley on an existing element. parsley.min.js:sourcemap:16

Review Left On 06/05/2022
From the description I haven’t absolutely understood what templates of pages are available at the cost of purchase of 17USD. Prompt where it is possible to look at the list of details? Thanks!

Review Left On 06/09/2022
Hi! I like your theme, however I am wondering 1. Is it possible to change the font type? 2. Is it possible that after buying the template I can change the green color to another one?
I appreciate your time answering.

Review Left On 06/27/2022
Please tell me why Your documentation is not for this themes?
Where is the map.scripts.js becouse not in this themes. This is bullshit…

Review Left On 07/23/2022
What do I need to do to correct this message in the console?
You must bind parsley on an existing element. parsley.min.js:sourcemap:16

Review Left On 07/25/2022
Good evening,
I have a project for a veterinary clinic and I am interested in your subjects. My question is if you make PSDS layouts available.
Thank you, Ailson Varelo