Arcon Studio - Multi Purpose Marketing Landing Page Template
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Arcon Studio High Quality Multi Purpose Landing template based on bootstrap 3. With 20+ different home page layouts, 25+ Html files included Best Idea for small Business, creative Agencies, corporate web solution, personal resume, weddings, restaurant, fitness, web hosting, advertising, travel agency, construction and business agencies. High Resolution Images and google fonts. Features 20+ Different Conpepts: Modern, Digital Agency, Creative Agency, Minimal Design, Business, App Landing, Architecture, Photography, Resume, Fitness, Agency Portfolio, Shop, One Page Home, Restaurant, Startup Business Fully responsive Built With HTML5 and CSS3 25+ HTML Files CSS3 Animation Elements... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/18/2022
hi WP showme this…..
No se ha podido descomprimir el paquete. El tema no tiene la hoja de estilos style.css.
can you help me please?

Review Left On 07/19/2022
One more question: these is a image-block with class “bg-flex-holder bg-flex-cover” on the left side below the banner (on the right side is text block “What We Do”), please check:
So, this type of position of image is not visible on mobile version. Could you please say, how i can make it visible? Thanks!

Review Left On 07/26/2022
Is it possible to make mobile menu? It would be great. Thanks!
UPD: I’ve found the mistake, index.html at line 41.
Instead of
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