Repair Pro - Computer, Mobile, Electronics and Phone Repair HTML Template
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We know that every business is different, that’s why we have done deep research to build each blocks in Catania, and deliver this specifically to yours Catania website template is an ideal pre-built website template for business specialise in Data Recovery,iMac, Macbook, iPad and Laptop Repair, Game Console. Template includes helpful features that will help you a build new and redesign your business website.. It contains custom portfolio layouts and custom blog template layout options and 14+ valid HTML5 page templates. Also we builded white and dark version for our dear clients. The Repairpro template features the coded with Bootstrap 3.0, HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS. It’s compatible with all modern browsers and search engine friendly. So showcas... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/10/2022
Please tell me whats wrong ? I fill change sendmail.php but not working please tell me any example how is working when i try send message get this info
{message could not<\/strong> be sent due to some Unexpected Error. Please Try Again later.
SMTP connect() failed. https:\/\/\/PHPMailer\/PHPMailer\/wiki\/Troubleshooting”,status“}
thank you

Review Left On 09/30/2022
buena tarde, e comprado la plantilla, excelente, pero tengo la misma falla del formulario de contacto: {no se pudo enviar el mensaje <\ / strong> debido a algún error inesperado. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.
como configuro? ya edite el email, contraseña, servidor y nada.
una respuesta por favor
o alguien me ayude que edito al documento: sendmail.php
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