Construction and business HTML5 template, constantly updated and growing. Built with HTWF, the most powerful and advanced framework for develop modern websites in HTML and JQuery. Enjoy the extreme customization power and a very big set of modern components, features and options. You can use it for every business like buildings, design, company, construction, businesses, industry, fintech. CHANGES LOG == V 1.0 == Enjoy the template. Images and videos from demo site are not included.... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/16/2022
good afternoon
When buying a template, do you give the source code, that is, pure html, or just wp theme?

Review Left On 04/26/2022
My Website has been hacked last week with a malicious injection. we identified that it has happened thru the rev slider & hybrid composer plugin which inbuilt came with the theme Yellow Business. we have tried to uninstall that two plugins. BUt the theme is not working. Kindly revert me back as soon possible.

Review Left On 04/28/2022
Добрый день!
При покупке шаблона вы отдадите исходники, т.е. чисто html, или wp тему?
Falcon - Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template + UI Kit
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Nutricorp | Nutrition & Health Creative WordPress Theme
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Review Left On 05/16/2022
Hi, I purchased the template yesterday, it is very nice
I want two things
1. The Logo Size. I want to change the Logo size
2. The color theme, i want to change from yellow to red
Kindly let me know,
Thanks ®ards
Binu Joseph

Review Left On 06/01/2022
I bought it for wordpress from the link you sent me. Would you refund the html version I got wrong?

Review Left On 07/11/2022
data-separator option does not appear to be working with countTo function. I am trying to change ”.” to ”,” with no luck trying to change the function wtithin jquery.progress-counter.js, or adding “data-separator” option, as explained on documentation, here….

Review Left On 07/22/2022
This is Roman . Why i can’t upload theme on my WordPress . what is the work on this package . ok my package have not file . so can you please fix it . or give me a video tutorial ..

Review Left On 09/22/2022
is there any issue in your theme ?
please reply…..
in my website ( )under IT products managed cloud backup pages does not showing your theme icons.

Review Left On 09/23/2022
Good afternoon Schiocco
I bought the Business Yellow template and I have a question …
- How do I change the main color (yellow) to a custom color (# 3C9EA6)?
Thanks if you can pass this tip!
Jeferson Menegaço, Brazil!

Review Left On 09/27/2022
Hello, I do very much like your theme. I have a quick question, is there a way to make the header/menu a side menu only on mobile devices? And on normal, keep the normal navbar (navbar-main)?

Review Left On 10/04/2022
How can I configure the contact form to correctly display latin extended characters in sent messages?