Casino Theme – Overview Casino is a beautiful Minimalist Shopping Electronics, Fashion, Furniture and Beauty PrestaShop 1.7 Theme with a modern color and refined style in design could increase your product’s values and increase sales by showing off your online products such as bags, book store, camera, clothes shop, cosmetic store, digital technology store, fashion, watches store, perfume, jewelries, shoes store… Customers might feel they have a wonderful, perfect comfortable life. Home page is designed eye-catching with large slideshows above and below Mega Menu. Slideshow is great with smooth transitions of texts and nice im... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/19/2022
prestashop “http error 500”. Site not working “” constantly asks prompted for username and password.

Review Left On 04/24/2022
Hi, i want to buy this awesome theme but i have a question first…
This theme have the “Testimonials” feature?

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi! I need some help. I bought the Casino Theme, but I have several problems to configure the categories from the megamenu, and the theme doesn’t work as well.
Repo Mail - Responsive Email Template + Access to Gifky Layout Builder
Valeria - Clean Photography & Portfolio WordPress Theme
Experience - Multi-Concept CV/Resume WordPress Theme
WizePhoto - Photography Portfolio
Honshi - One Page Multi Purpose Joomla! Template

Review Left On 05/03/2022
Hi ,
Presales Question
I am looking For Book Store Demo , with Include Author Profile and products related to author ….

Review Left On 05/05/2022
I bought your Casino Prestashop theme, but I can’t install demo!
How can I install this? I already install casino_homepage1_quickstart_for_prestashop_1.7.0.4 but it don’t works…
Other question is when I try to translate the theme, gives me 500 error.

Review Left On 07/08/2022
I want to buy the theme.
Is it possible to use video on homepage slider?

Review Left On 08/25/2022
the mobile theme is not good display, I suggest you should unfold the categories. products ’ photos should slide left and right as amazon mobile site then visitors don’t need to click each photos for vew.