BuyCoin is a modern and responsive Landing Page, created for crypto currency exchange and trading, digital currencies, finances and business consulting. BuyCoin will help effectively channel the traffic generated by marketing campaigns and present the information in an attractive and functional environment. Template Features: Based on Bootstrap 3.x Fully Responsive 6 Color Scheme Modern Design Clean Code Valid Markup Well Documented UPDATES Version 1.3 (5 March 18) - added new demo page - added new style for about section - added new style for offers - updated team slider - minor fixes Version 1.2 (11 January 18) Added new UI elements: - roadmap - blog Version 1.1 (9 January 18) Added new UI elements: - team slider - counter I... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/08/2022
Hi Dmitry,
When viewing the site from a mobile device, the navbar hides and shifts to the left as expected. Once the icon for the navbar is clicked, the navbar shows (as expected) however when wanting to close this navbar, touching the area outside the navbar does nothing to close it, I then realised that it can only be closed by pressing the X button in the top-left – this isn’t very intuitive so I’ve been looking for the code to try change it myself so when the area outside the navbar is touched, the navbar hides. (same function as pressing the X). However I can’t seem to find your piece of code that acts as the function for pressing the X.
I believe it involves .header__btn—active
Could you point me to where this code is? Or if possible, what to change to get my desired effect?
Many Thanks

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hey there, i would love to buy this landing page as a wordpress theme. Do you have plans to create a wordpress theme out of it? Great work anyway!

Review Left On 04/13/2022
Приветствую,думаю можно писать по русски судя по имени,
есть вопросы по поводу шаблона сайта,в плане доработки с вашей стороны под наши параметры,то есть под конкретную монету
Electros - Electronics Store Shopify Theme
Cleopa - Health & Beauty WooCommerce WordPress Theme
Listing Paradise Directory PSD Template
AutoSer - Auto Service and Car Repair
Dukandari - A Modern, Minimalist eCommerce Theme

Review Left On 04/18/2022
Hi DmitryVolkov,
thanks for the great theme!
It seems like the these is NOT a wordpress theme? I cannot install it with my wordpress, do you know how can i integrate your theme with my wordpress?

Review Left On 04/20/2022
hey, I just bought your theme and when I try upload it, I get this error: The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
How do I fix this?

Review Left On 04/29/2022
Hey Dimitry,
First, Great looking theme!
When do you think you will have a Wordpress version?
If I may request?
Make it compatible with Generate Press Theme?
Look forward when you get it done – As you can see lots of people will be buying!
Get her done before competition starts to realize your corner niche!

Review Left On 04/30/2022
Purchase code: 9cc05085-4fa9-4877-9564-b013824574f5
Can you please refund my order. This is not working with wordpress and I only need it for wordpress.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
I am unable to upload the theme as I am getting a message that it is missing style.css file in Wordpress admin page.

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Dear Dmitry,
Is it possible te add an layer on the home slider that contains info like raised money and/or progress bar.
I like to hear from you, thanks a lot!

Review Left On 06/08/2022
Hello, Now i bought
but after got script not see (switcher__colors clearfix) in script ????

Review Left On 07/12/2022
Hello, I’ve bought your theme and when I try to upload it in wordexpress get this messege: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.

Review Left On 07/26/2022
Hi DmitryVolkov, i can see 3 landing pages. when i buy will I get all three landing pages (slider, parallax, static) ?

Review Left On 08/06/2022
Hi nice template GLWS
If you like partnership in WP & Joomla versions then please contact me via [email protected]

Review Left On 08/25/2022
Hi Dmirty
I have a question regarding the header – how can I achieve the affect that only on scroll the tabs will be visible? i want that “About Us”, “Features”, “Safety”... (logo can stay) links to be transparent on page load, and to show themselves only on page scroll

Review Left On 09/14/2022
I wan to buy this template but I will require some custom development on it.
Is that something you would be able to do? Please add me on skype ovadiajon to discuss pricing etc.

Review Left On 09/22/2022
I’m currently implementing a website homepage based on this template. It is nice but I got a problem with sign up button. What I want is to use the right button in “home” section as a sign up button, which means I click it then I can get a pop up modal with sign up features. I added ”.modal-btn” class to this button and what I actually got is, I can click once and the sign up modal will pop up, but when I click the button second time the screen will go dark, and nothing pop up.
I tried to work this out but failed, can you give me some tips so I can finish this feature? thank you!