Autochoice - Responsive Premium Car & Dealer HTML Template
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Autochoice is a modern template ideal for business such as cars, dealers, dealership or any other business related to cars. The template contains a large variety of pages that will help your company present the essential information to highlight the services and most relevant business’s information. It also has four different homepage styles so you can choose the one you like most for your business. It is totally customizable, has a clean code and very well documented for an easy understanding, also it is built with the latest web standards. It is totally responsive to all devices and it has a beautiful and modern layout. 3 Stuning Home Pages Clean Code and unique design HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS3 Validated Responsive Design SEO Friendly Working C... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/12/2022
I would like to use Bootstrap 4.x, is it possible with this template? There an update planned for Bootstrap 4.x?

Review Left On 05/15/2022
hi, current theme shows red/black palette, does the theme come with other color theme selection/ sass?

Review Left On 07/17/2022
I can’t upload the file as wordpress says style.css is missing? I just bought and downloaded it from theme forrest…
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