Eco Green - HTML Template for Environment and Renewable Energy Company
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Eco Green HTML template is a perfect solution that lets easily create a ecology related website like any recycling business, alternative energy sources distribution, environment preservation, fundraising, ecology, energy, environment, environmental, recycling company, green, green business, green tech, health, hydropower, jungle, life, sustainable, natural, nature, ngo, non-profit, water heater, organic, recycling, renewable energy, shop, solar, solar energy, wind power, organic \u0026amp; biology related websites, etc. This theme comes with necessary features for your online presence like about us, team, 404 page, filterable gallery pages, multiple blog layouts, online shop, testimonial and FAQ page etc. Eco Green can be a great... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
I am working on this template and I need to reduce the height of the slider, I am not finding where to do it, I appreciate if you could help me.
Thank you

Review Left On 05/04/2022
I am having some problem with the slider.
The images are distorted on the desktop version but appear fine on the mobile version.
Is there is not a way to make the slider in a boxed layout (not full width) so that the images appear fine on both desktop and mobile version ?
Like this:

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Hi Team
Does this theme still dont have images included?
And Can you share with me dummy images with dimensions after purchase?
Waiting for your reply asap.
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Review Left On 08/15/2022
Hi need support for this template, but in the dropdown options is not this item just for wordpress.
Please helpme

Review Left On 08/29/2022
Dear Support,
I can’t install the theme via web browser.
1st error message: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
I moved style.css to the main folder.
2nd error: The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn’t contain a valid theme header.
I created new valid header to the moved style.css.
3rd error: The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the index.php file.
Please send for me the GOOD theme pack!