Building Construction Factory WordPress Theme Building Conebrick – Building Construction WordPress Theme If you are a company or an enterprise working in building,construction industry, this exceptional theme has everything that you might need to move forward and grow strong. Build an innovative and distinguishing site with this exclusively dynamic WordPress theme. Conebrick’s striking design and remarkable features will surely satisfy your company’s every need. Awesome Layouts With Conebrick, you have a range of choices to make your own building website to be different from other normal building site. You can freely choose the right layout that meets your demand. Amazing Builder \u0026amp; Plugin bundle No need to pay ext... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/09/2022
Hi, is it me or i can’t find no more the testimonial section, since i update my testiomonial is displayed on the website but i can’t ad new cause in back office i haven’t the testimonial section.

Review Left On 04/13/2022
After the latest WP update, it is not able to use the WP customizer, WP can’t load the pages to be able to use WP customizer.

Review Left On 04/15/2022
Thx for your last answer. I’m going to renew my support, just tell me if it’s possible to add an link on the image of “info boxes” like the “service boxes” without paying a customization, cause it’s really frustrating not being able to do it. THX
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Review Left On 04/25/2022
Hi your update Version 1.5.7 – Sep 24, 2020 is buging the insight core customize panel, click on header for exemple, there is the left side of the option out of the screen and we don’t see all the biginin of the text. I’m on firefox…

Review Left On 04/27/2022
Hi i have update my theme cause all it’s slow and it’s terrible, so i update and all is buging, impossible to work with php 7.4 bug on bug… The preloader turn turn turn… So i think i must to renew my support to be helped buy your team ? But i don’t understand why i need to pay for a lifetime update. Anyway tell me what i need to do to have an update working now. THX a lot. I just want to tell that with your tractor theme, i update, and i have no problem… I think there is something wrong with your insightcore version, i don’t no, but when i desactivate it, all is quick on my website and no more slow freeze…

Review Left On 05/01/2022
1) Can I customize home “construction-services” with elements of home “Portfolio
Featured project”?
2) The single page can be link to single projekt?

Review Left On 05/05/2022
After update to insight-core 2.2.1, “All portfolios” and “Add a portfolio” in admin area are dissapeared

Review Left On 05/06/2022
Presale support question, Since i have update your theme, my slider image is little and not full width, i need to resize the windows of my firefow in order to adjust it. So if i renew my support are able to find me the solution or telling me tht it’s revolution slider ???? Before it was working well

Review Left On 05/17/2022
In this case, please write an email to [email protected] – I’ll check it out for you. Don’t forget to provide your site’s information, I want to check it from admin side.

Review Left On 08/19/2022
Is it normal i’m in 1.6.6 ansd the website is sloooooow and error message in the console stderr: PHP message: Aq_Resize.process() error: Unable to resize image because image_resize_dimensions() failed