Oyster – Creative Photography HTML Template If you would like to start your web project based on HTML, we are glad to bring our user-centric Oyster HTML Photo Template that will help to transfer your portfolios or any other photo works into well-organized and professionally designed canvas. Extra optimized capabilities and useful features will make your site stable and unique. Discover the power of GT3 themes! Template Features Fullscreen Design 49 HTML Pages Fully Responsive Retina Ready HTML5 \u0026amp; CSS Code High Speed \u0026amp; Extra Optimized Coded with SEO in Mind Easy Color Management Google Font Support 600+ Sticky Menu Fullscreen Image/Video Background Fullscreen Image/Video Slider Striped Page Layouts (vertical and horizontal) Fullscr... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Awesome theme, I’ve been using it for over a year already. Only problem: How do I get German umlauts (äöü etc.) displayed correctly in my mail inbox? I tried everything, setting everything to UTF-8, but nothing seemed to work. How can I solve this issue? Will give you 5 stars for an answer! Thanks a lot!

Review Left On 04/14/2022
How do i slow down the slide show on the index page? what part of the .js code can i edit to add a couple more seconds between frames?

Review Left On 05/01/2022
He comprado la theme pero el formulario de contacto no funciona. Me podrían indicar que error es el que hay en la theme?
ERA - Animated Coming Soon Countdown Template
JohnBlack - Photography HTML
Petfinder - Pet Adoption WordPress CMS Theme
Vakker - Creative Design Agency Theme
CargoZone - Transport, Cargo, Logistics & Business Multipurpose HTML Template

Review Left On 05/07/2022
Ok I decided Oyster is better than Soho as it has almost all features I want. A few questions before purchase:
1. Save image option in slideshow mode is coming only for mobiles not for tablets and desktops. How can I switch it on for them too?
2. Can I decide the number of columns for different resolutions like I would want 2 columns instead of 3 for iPad Mini and normal iPad resolutions as my photos have text quotes in them which I want to be readable and not too small?
3. Does it have infinite scrolling? It is not written in the features list or the demo.

Review Left On 05/08/2022
can you tell me how i can do the Navigation more boxed..
Like the Screenshot.
Thank you

Review Left On 06/24/2022
Hey! I bought you template for my photography website and I love it, its great! Its the first time I worked with html and the hompage is working happy.
But I still have one problem with the contact-form and the coming-soon site. The ‘Send’ button does not work. I wrote my personal Mail into the mail.php account and stuff. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? :/

Review Left On 07/18/2022
Hey there awesome design! I love it but can’t get my vertical slider to load images on the home page can you see what I am doing wrong? www.topoftherockmovie.com . Thanks! I am emailing support[at]gt3.zendesk.com now as well.

Review Left On 07/20/2022
I bought the Oyster HTML Photo Template theme, but the in the home page (slideshow) the video display does not work. Can you help me ? Thanks >> {video: “youtube”, uniqid: “9030”, src: “ewQ4Y2VlOdc”, thmb: “http://gt3demo.com/wp/oyster/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/4-130×130.jpg”, alt: ””, title: ””, description: ””, titleColor: ”#ffffff”, descriptionColor: ”#ffffff”}

Review Left On 07/24/2022
hello great work!!
I’m getting some problems with smaller resolution (i’m using vertical_striped.html for my main page). For example when i’m checking my page from a tablet, the images are getting shrinked and i’m loosing half of the images. I do understand that your template is responsive, however i do want my images to be presented as they really are. Can we do some quick css fixing?? My images are about people faces so i think you can understand my problem.

Review Left On 08/15/2022
Im having a problem with the email coming soon page. I added my email address but the page does not seem to work. Please advise.

Review Left On 08/23/2022
Hello mad_dog
Awesome Oyster theme you have made
I have a question about the mouseover “EYE” picture on the portfolio page and the two small pictures at the right corner below each “featured picture” the one with the eye and the red heart. Is it possible to edit and modify them and where will I find them?
I hope you can help me and thanks for your time.

Review Left On 09/07/2022
Hello Team,
Please note Home page slide is not Responsive.
I have Purchased “themeforest-8836136-oyster-creative-photography-html-template” template for my client.
Now the client is complaining to us the home page main slider is not Responsive.
Image is not showing properly. Please fix the issue as soon as possible other wise I have to return the money to client.
Thanks! waiting for your positive update

Review Left On 09/19/2022
Hi. Just purchased html template and it seems i cant manage to modify it too well. Too much coding. Any chance on upgrading to wp? Thanks