Simplify Admin Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template and UI Kit for Angular 5 or JQuery
ThemeForest Rating | 5

Simplfiy Bootstrap 4 Angular 5 / jQuery Admin Template Simplify is a fully responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin and Dashboard Template built for Angular 5 and jQuery. Simplify builds upon bootstrap to create an extensive UI library that helps you kick start your application development in minutes. Features: SASS (.scss) Full Code Simplify uses SASS to make your life editing the styles easier. Simply jump into the well documented sass Code and start customizing. Angular 5 Simplify provides a ready to use Angular 5 project with directives and services to help you with your UI development jQuery + html5 Not using Angular? Use our jQuery and html5 project to kickstart development of your UI project Collapsible Menu Collapsible Sidebar Full... READ MORE
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