What is Doks? Doks is Jekyll theme created for project documentations. You can use it with GitHub and GitLab Pages as well as a standalone project. Features Detailed Documentation, Available OnlineDoks is fully documented with an online documentation. Fully ResponsiveDesigned to cover the wide range of screen sizes available today. Resize the width of your browser window on the live demo to see it in action. Retina ReadyLooks pretty solid on every screen size, SVGs everywhere. GitHub and GitLab Pages ReadyDoks is GitHub and GitLab Pages compatible and it’s ready to deploy in just a few moments. Color ThemesChoose between 5 color themes. Built in Icon PackDoks have icon pack built in. You can use this... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/25/2022
Is it possible to have some real example? I hope to find in the archive the source of Doks documentation

Review Left On 06/30/2022
Hi @First2Host, we would love to help you. Please can you send more details about the issue?
You can contact as at [email protected]

Review Left On 07/06/2022
We encounter errors when installing this. If you won’t help with installing this please refund my purchase.
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