Moral – Minimal portfolio template is high quality creative portfolio template with unique style and clean code. You can use moral for multipurposes like minimal portfolios, agencies, freelancers portfolios etc. This template build with worlds most popular responsive CSS framework Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and so many modern technology. Template is created and tested in all devices and browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and it works perfectly without any issue. The template also has commented HTML code for each section included in the template so you can easily adapt your templates to suit your needs. If you love the template, Don’t forget to rate us 5 stars and let us know your feedback for better update. Feature l... READ MORE

Review Left On 04/07/2022
Hey there,
I’ve played around with your theme and have uploaded it to one of my domains to test it but it’s just coming up with a fading in and out circle and nothing else on the screen – would you know why this is?

Review Left On 04/11/2022
Hi. Love the theme!
How can I make it so that when I click on any part of a portfolio box, the link opens? Instead of only opening by clicking on the title or the small icon on the top right.

Review Left On 08/01/2022
I have a simple question. How do I hide the Text in the NAv Bar on the top?`The Nav Bar appears when I scroll down, but when the Nav Bar is hiding the text still overlays.
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